Sleeping under the stars is certainly in a league of its own. Many, many years ago we hiked the magnificent Fish River Canyon in Namibia. You have to go in winter (and book YEARS in advance) because the summer's are literally a killer. Needless to say, half of my excitement was sleeping under the stars. Then a last minute cancellation bumped my group up two years. We frantically packed, tumbled into vehicles and sped the two days straight drive to the Fish River Canyon. Only to realize it was a full moon that week. The hike was beyond imagining. Even if we battled to sleep because of heaven's light shining down on use
Now you're just making me jealous...I'd love to do Fish River Canyon but it maybe one of those things that just doesn't happen through the fact there's so many other places on my little time.
Sleeping under the stars is magnificent, and the silence out there, I mean, lack of human's splendid. I like full moons, although have been known to turn into a werewolf now and then. but for sleeping...nope, they don't agree with me.
At least I'm not scared of Aussie werewolves! Because last I checked you don't time travel or have super flying powers
We don't bite much either. Ok, so maybe we do...Like...nibble a little, but in a good way. Normally.