I live about as much off the grid as is possible but I know people who take it to a much higher extreme than I do. I know people that almost seem to be willing the end of civilization and have become "preppers" with massive stores of non-perishable food, a seeming bunker in their basements, and the ability to grow their own food on their own land is paramount in their lives. Of course guns are a big part of the preparation as well and I am very prepared as far as that is concerned.
I see nothing wrong with this and I wish I was better at it than I am. Unfortunately I just don't have that much of a green thumb and try as I may, my vegetable garden is always kind of lacking. I can grow the stuff that everyone is capable of growing such as tomatoes, potatoes, and pumpkins, but they harvest is always a bit lacking and especially with the pumpkins, it seems as though the plants grow to extreme size before they ever bear any sort of edible output.
I'm just not good at it and at least for now, I am not all that worried about it.

When I see images of people who are proper preppers I am very impressed, especially if they grew a lot of the food themselves. The designs on some of these things are very impressive and I sincerely hope that we do not get to a point where these sorts of things are necessary. You have to admit though, they are pretty damn cool.

Most average preppers, two of who live in my county, have a tube of some sort underground with air filtration systems, some form of water storage and collection system, and a bunch of storage area for food and drinking water. The more advanced ones have some sort of electrical system as well and all of them have very strong doors to prevent entrance. Then there are some truly amazing and a bit crazy ones like this luxury bunker in Georgia that is for sale for $18 million.

I have a hard time believing that you are actually going to be capable of surviving if this is the sort of bunker that you require for comfort
The non-perishable meals that I have found for sale and purchased some of actually aren't that bad. It's not like yo would choose to eat this if you had an alternative but they have managed to make them palatable. I'm quite certain it would be delicious if the alternative was to eat nothing.
For now I haven't built anything that would be considered something that you could live in indefinitely. The only thing I have done with my basement is to reinforce the one and only door, have very strong bars on all the small windows and one room with stores the most important gear doesn't have any windows at all. The idea being that if need be, I could hole up in the one windowless room for probably weeks on end.
I don't have a lot of faith in government and for the most part I dislike all of it. I don't think that we are on the verge of societal collapse though. I think that a lot of people are going to be upset for a long time in regards to politics and that we are probably going to be divided about 50/50 for the rest of my life at least. I am prepared for the worst to some degree though and I hope that I don't have to use it.
In the meantime my location is remote enough that I probably wouldn't need to be too concerned about roaming marauders and if they did come my way, they better come packing heat and a lot of it because I am. That is the one aspect of my "bunker" that is not in any way lacking. Now I just need to get a bit better at the whole gathering of food aspect of things.
I am fascinated by this lifestyle even though I don't really think there is any instance where it is going to become necessary. I'll probably continue to stockpile canned goods with a long shelf life and perhaps work on a water system that doesn't need to be connected to the municipal grid in order to function. Other than that, if it gets worse than that, I suppose I'll last a few months to a year longer than most people. I'm not sure I would want to still be around if we all of a sudden needed to subside out of our bunkers for years at a time.
Fortunatly, and unfortunately, this time it IS different.
The whole bunker thing will pretty much not save you.... but it could be helpful.
The problem we are going to face is that those mother WEFers are hell bent on disrupting the food supply.
The other thing is this divide. VAXXXers vs Anti-VAXXXers. Dumbs vs Repulsives. People who want to control vs People who want to be left alone.
Basically, cities become hell holes.
I wouldn't be surprised that in the coming World-Civil-War that it is the urbanites vs the ruralists.
I do know that a break up of many countries is coming.
And that the most likely start in The US is Portland and Seattle separating to avoid the MAGA hats.
The problem is that parts of those same states are already trying to separate from them.
But, when these things break out, they tend to disrupt things.
And so, having something to tide you over is very important.
Being fairly self sufficient, or with a group that can become self sufficient (many skills together) will be a great thing for the future.
I have a difficult time understanding the "control" people here.
I already think that larger cities are hell holes. I'm extremely happy that I don't live in one and the nearest one to me is around 90 miles from here.
I've been working pretty hard learning how to grow and store my own food, inside and out. I am in no way ready to survive even a few months if my access to supplies is cut off, but every year I produce and preserve a bit more, learn more about the wild foods all around us. I live in the center of a small town, quite congested for small towns, and am surrounded by people who think the way I do, many of whom are growing food in their tiny back yards. Even if things do not get so bad, growing my own food has benefits of many kinds.
My weakest point is in the heat - I have nothing but one slingshot I don't know how to use as a weapon. I keep saying I'm going to fix that weakness, but so far have done nothing to see it through.
I would not want to live in a world that required such efforts as you describe. We create our realities via our imaginations to a very large extent, so I am envisioning a future that, while turbulent, will not require luxury bunkers for me and my loves to see another day.
The most important thing to do now is to say no. I believe once you step onto this path, you activate a protective field, a plasma of sorts, around yourself. Options become clear. What you need comes, and you can provide what others need. Just refuse. The more of us who do this, the more powerful we all are.
This is certainly true in the case of government mandates that happened during the Covid hysteria in my neck of the woods. We just decided as a community that we weren't going to comply and that was basically the end of it.
I remember that your county did that. I hope I can convince mine to go that direction. Not likely the county will, but I have heard from several who complied last time that they won't do it again.
grab yourself a gerber strong arm knife, you won't regret it.
We are in the same boat here. I believe most prepers aim for a life independent from Government, though the crooks always find a way to steal from us. Anyways. My concern regarding preparation is exactly the end result of polarization and extremism. Was't it Plato who said that democracies end up in tirany? If we ever get to that level of civil unrest, we gotta be prepared.
Independent from everything is probably the main goal. It's so tough to get everything lined up for this thought and the thought of something breaking if hardware stores didn't exist kind of scares me. I'm pretty solid in the DIY department, but there are still many things that I would need replacements for. It's tough to prepare for everything that could possibly go wrong.
The US seems to be escalating conflict with Russia and to a lesser degree with China, so a fallout shelter is suddenly relevant again. I can't fault people for building with comfort in mind, though. There seems to be a popular idea that survival needs to be a spartan hardscrabble affair. Why not plan for more than that?
I suppose if someone has the financial ability to do so then why not? That's a good point.
It's better to have it and not need it, than the alternative. To be honest, I'm pretty bad at it too so I've rather been adding to my survival skills rather than to my survival stash.
That's the question though - would you WANT to really HAVE to survive if it all went SHTF? I mean sure, you would want to survive because that's human nature but I don't see there being anything particularly nice about it.
You touched upon something worth discussing here, which is the focus on one's skillset rather than relying on the material things as a buffer for the transition into the NWO.
I would rather take a chance with my skills, resourcefulness, creativity, will to seek out new opportunities, freedom of movement, rather than the material things.
Also for me survival is not my paramount focus. It's not about my survival but the survival of all motherfuckin mankind. In this sense i liberate myself from the trappings of society and walk wherever i am needed (right now building a self sufficient space for food growing, permaculture etc you know the score, with a friend of mine, whilst teaching him about the system, the difference between legal and lawful (damn i hate those two terms), the birth certificate fraud and how they are using admiralty-maritime "law" (it's really "legal civil code") to push agenda2030
If you can understand the birth certificate fraud...and what the legal person is...if you can stomach it...you will connect the dots as to why they chose to use MRNA nano tech to patent the flesh and blood....its the perfect solution to close up the loop holes in their paper-legal-fiction-system all these generations.
So...even with all the prepping, the stores of food, the financial savings etc, maybe even mass rejection of this whole situation, if the people still need to act as the legal person entity (that's the thing you believe to be you on your birth certificate, and all state-offered ID documents) to survive, then....
Interesting, I was listening to a show this morning discussing these 15 minute cities that the WEF is proposing and the protests against them in the UK...freedom of movement is going to be a thing of the past if they get what they want. The thing is that people will choose "convenience" over anything - humans are predominantly lazy...until it's too late and they've given up their right to drive anywhere. Try escaping the apocalypse on a bicycle, doubt it will go well.
I know about this and trading us off as chattle. At first I thought it was just too far-fetched, but that was about 3 years ago now and since then, so much as happened that nothing really surprises me anymore.
It's going to go pear shaped for them when the people eventually rise up in numbers, but I have a funny feeling that a certain country with a rather dumbass president is going to push a button before then and start WW3. The doomsday clock is at 90 seconds to midnight.
Would like to share a youtube channel with you Emma.
Introducing you to Romley-Stewart. I hope you can find time to watch all his vids (theres not a lot) and read every single comment he ever made in his youtube vids. His recent youtube vids have been censored heavily, so he has some newer vids on his rumble page.
This man holds no state documents (no birth certificate, no passport, no bank account, no social security/National Insurance, driving licenses or any licenses for that matter) that bears the SURNAME/surname (you must watch his vids, especially the birthing certificate vid to understand this). If we hold the surname/SURNAME In any form, we are subject to all admiratly-maritime "laws" they call legal law.
It may be that even if we hold or do not hold these state documents, these power-brokers (all governments are nothing but businesses as you know, operating under the Sea of Commerce...all owned by the Vatican Crowne Corporation...another business...) will do whatever they want, but its at least a first step to exiting their control...the next thing to do is to rise up as free peoples.
Take care Ems.
Thanks I'll check it out. Always looking for new things to watch at night. I tried to find out more on this a few years back but didn't really get anywhere with it.
good point. I've always said I would rather be one of the zombies than one of the few people left running from them. No matter what, I really hope we don't find out who has what it takes to survive even though I think I am at least in the top 50% of this group.
some time I had not even enough money to eat, neither to have a big storage
you are good to go
I admire families who are self sufficient as it is definitely the way to think as things will get worse. The problem I have with having a bunker is obviously these people are not planning on ever moving and this is forever and I just cannot think like that.