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RE: Road trip to nowhere

I love this situation of going nowhere and I have done it, not only in the city, finding beautiful places, but also in nature, especially when I go to the mountains because there are many paths and I can change and see where it takes me, I love it! The adventure of seeing what new things I will discover fascinates me.

I'm glad you had such a good time, it's often necessary to clear your mind and think about nothing, to touch nature and to reawaken!


Getting off the rails we like to live our lives upon for comfort of convenience is something I like to do a lot although it's been difficult to find the opportunity for a while...when it arose we jumped at it and had a great time. I figured you'd have done things like this in the past, you seem the type to like a little adventure.

Don't think I've always done it, since I changed I do, I love the adventure that always brings me something new and makes my soul grow. Always looking for a better version!

Change can be good if it's the right helps one live a better life as you say. #bestlife

Exactly, well said! Have a great day... over here to rest.... well in a while haha