My strategy for a future living on Bitcoin only - original article

in Bitcoin7 months ago

The train wreck

Although lots of alarm bells were chiming already in 2018/19, it was of course 2020 that brought the real train wreck of a conjured up crisis...

Personally I walked away from 3 companies, 1 good, new deal incoming, parts of a house, some shitty fiat pension, a work permit & business visa. There was no other choice, since my partners didn't grasp the magnitude of what had happened at all, and especially that everything would be different from before, and that this was permanent.

This was late April, and then later in the year I more or less YOLOed into Bitcoin and gold :-)

Where and what to buidl?

Now, where to go from there? Clearly an earthquake of an event had happened, and you do not chose to rebuild your house when that quake is not even finished yet...

Analyzing more or less anything that happened the past decades I realized that there was one pressing need: to get rid of all middlemen! Be it the state with its taxation, the bug minds of accountants, criminal bankers, cancerous corporations or whatnot, the only long term, viable strategy is to get away from it all!

Get off the radar! The commies are approaching fast...

What to do... Well, for the first time ever I simply did not file taxes! :-)

Now, I do have some personal sets of circumstances that made that a viable way forward, so don't take this as direct advice...

Selling some commie coins (Ethereum) near the top carried me over into 2021, then I started selling off some gold now & then, basically living like a peasant here in Asia. Bought some Bitcoin again at 20k early this year, other than that it was a waiting game.

Going back to Europe late 2023 was quite literally a shock. I've started several businesses and small teams, always an uphill battle in what was essentially a command economy, more communist than anything else... But now? It was scary...

Inside of a few days I did get a new network in a new city, and I did get close to pulling the trigger, to start a new limited company & grind through that early phase once more. The only problem was of course the big one: the state!

Literally every "business person" that I met, even the most energetic ones, ultimately depended on handouts from the state! Furthermore many of the wanted me to build what I had planned, which included coaching, to then sell it to the commie welfare organizations. You can't make this shit up, hopefully it will turn into a book or something...

This experience reinforced my basic thinking, Europe is done for. What then about Asia?

Well I will not do another local company with a business visa and work permit, that turned into a serious risk and expense in 2020... And now of course taxes and full, digital control is on the horizon here too.

Full time Rebel Nomad!

I've always enjoyed traveling, and can happily live in a hovel eating basic food, so why not take off?

2024 will likely be the year where I split my time between a few countries. So far I've done Nepal, Egypt and Greece. I had planned on Turkey, and have visited twice, but crossed that off the list for now.

But what to buidl while on the move? This is where the big picture comes in: it is my opinion and gamble that by now we've reached that watershed moment where many will have less personal risk by going up against the whole Beast Machine.

So many low level police and functionaries in most countries know by now that something is up, the surveillance systems should be overloaded, and for me personally 3 years as virtually invisible makes it way harder for any goons to come after me. Also I do have some plans for that event, I'm super small fish to fry for one .-)

Content on Blockchain platforms

Bitcoin will, and is sucking in all the monetary value, I see that & my meagre holdings are ~90% Bitcoin.

But if I want to rebuild myself with online, uncensorable and rebellious content I need to be pragmatic, which is where any and all platforms come into the picture. This is why I've tested out Hive a bit, and why I might try to monetize a Youtube channel or two in the near future.

Of course the foundation of anything I buidl from now on will be fully uncensorable, and directly or closely related to Bitcoin. That is probably the reason why I write this on SN, and in this section too :-)

Sticking one's neck out a bit

I tried for so long, to warn everyone about giving away data... Also I spent a lot of energy and time on the privacy space, and essentially planned to launch within it.

The problem is of course risk & reward. Most of the things I know will be super necessary in the future sell for peanuts now, while the risk is huge. Also you might get a tiny business going that doesn't scale at all, since most customers outside of the tech space will never spend the time that is needed besides getting whatever device or app...

And this is why I'm ditching most of my 99.99% anonymous solutions for a more realistic 90% strategy, including no longer giving any fucks about using my face & voice. Which by the way never appeared online except one tiny business related video up until now, I might have an edge in that game then ;-)

Pigging it out

I do plan on launching 3 separate projects. This account is for my historic career in photography & all sorts of publishing technology going back to even Pagemaker in 89. It will also include video productions and whatnot when I finally get around to getting on a decent level for that.

Maybe I'll get back to the two others in the comments here, or later from those profiles, I'll just see how that plays out.

The final, big picture

I'm one of those who enjoys complexity, and boy did 2020 serve us that haha!

Historically I've been the one identifying trends. In 2018 or so I tried to get some of my partners into the online, digital ID game, I could just feel that coming in my bones... Now I'm of course very happy that I did not get into that at all, it could so easily have been a trap in so many ways.

Actually I wiped my whole Linkedin profile clean & replaced it all with one word in late 2020 or so: Bitcoin! :-)

Also I officially warned anyone in that network, which I spent close to a decade building, back in October 2019. Tried telling everyone to get out of fiats and banks, to get Bitcoin and metals.

For me personally now it will be about one thing only, for many years to come: simply to stand up & talk, spreading whatever I feel like getting out there, come what may!

In other words I'm finally joining this hard to describe, global movement that is all about taking the freedom we need, and for that Bitcoin is of course key.

And then in the not so distant future I fully think that this will pay off, not necessarily by riches, but by surviving & thriving in a spartan way, when the opposite is soooo close these days. We're all at war with evil elites after all, and its very personal...

Fight, never give up!