Thanks! I think everyone was really pleased. My brother in law texted me a couple days after they got home and said he couldn't remember if he told me nice job on the turkey. I have a feeling he was finally getting around to eating his leftovers and it popped in his head!
I think that bourbon was Buffalo Trace which is one of my favorites if you can get it at retail price. I wouldn't pay much over $30 for a bottle though. Later that day my other brother in law made a beer run and picked me up a bottle of Old Forester 1910 which is another one of my favorites.
Old Forester 1910 is really good stuff! I like Buffalo Trace too, not nearly as good as Eagle Rare but for the price it's excellent stuff!
I like the 1920 Prohibition blend as well from Old Forester, but it's such a high proof that I don't usually use it as a daily sipper. I agree with you on the Eagle Rare. I am milking my bottle to the very last drop.