It enters our bodies through our
Lungs, our Pores and our Stomachs.
We also take in things
Through our Eyes and Ears.
Our minds soak up things as
Sponges do.
Many people would have us fear the food
We eat and the air we breathe; I think there’s a bit of
Validity there, enough to justify being cautious.
Methinks that
What we take in to our minds
Can be MUCH more deadly.
After all;
Think carefully about
What you’re told, what you read;
Weigh things
With your eyes OPEN, with your
Mind keenly Aware, and
MOST importantly, be careful of
What you let into your HEART 💘.
That should
Be reserved for Hope and Love alone.
If You let the negativity inside you, then
You just may lose your way.
Always Remember, that
What is outside you is
All “Smoke and Mirrors”, it can’t
Touch you if you don’t let it in.
Oh, to be sure, you can die of
Poisoned food or air.
There’s peace within you,
It will be easier for you
To spread Peace to all
The world around.

“Smoke and Mirrors”
Jerry E Smith
A slightly modified repost.
Top image from Pixabay
Today, I am going for an "Inferior Turbinate Reduction"

these ↑two images↑ are from the website
This last image is a clip from MY MRI,
You can see the deviations

I hate driving INTO Atlanta, but at least it isn't raining...yet.

Jerry E Smith
A slightly modified repost.
Top image from Pixabay
Today, I am going for an "Inferior Turbinate Reduction"
these ↑two images↑ are from the website
This last image is a clip from MY MRI,
You can see the deviations
I hate driving INTO Atlanta, but at least it isn't raining...yet.
Good luck with your proc3dure today
and a thought provoking Poem well done