Fleeting Blossoms: Embracing Youth's Beauty

In realms of fleeting time, where moments swiftly glide,
There lies the wistful truth, where youth and beauty reside.
A whisper from the stars, a tale oft told and sung,
"Beauty fades with age, like melodies unsung."

Yet in this fleeting dance, where ephemeral petals bloom,
There lies a vibrant tapestry, draped in youthful gloom.
A cascade of resplendence, a symphony of grace,
Oh, let us seize the day, before it fades without a trace.

Behold the tender rose, its petals soft and fair,
A brief encounter with beauty, a gift beyond compare.
Its fragrance wafts on winds, its hues ignite the soul,
But its allure shall wither, as time's tides take their toll.

Like dainty butterflies, we flutter in the sun,
Unaware of destiny, the race we've just begun.
In radiant innocence, we gaze at mirrored streams,
Admiring our reflection, lost in youthful dreams.

Oh, dear mortals, hear me now, before the clock's cruel chime,
Carpe Diem, embrace the moment, for it's the grandest time.
For beauty may not last, but its echoes can endure,
Enshrined in memories, like timeless art so pure.

Savor the laughter's melody, the sparkle in your eyes,
The vibrant spirit of your soul, that fearlessly defies.
For in each passing moment, a chapter takes its leave,
Leaving behind footprints, the stories we shall weave.

While youth adorns your brow, with vigor in each breath,
Unleash the vibrant hues of life, defy the hand of death.
Seek adventures far and wide, embrace the unknown,
For in your heart's desire, true beauty will be sown.

Let passion be your compass, your guide through uncharted lands,
Immerse yourself in wonders, with open, eager hands.
For beauty lies not solely in a face untouched by years,
But in the souls we touch, the love that conquers fears.

And when the years have woven wisdom through your hair,
Embrace the fading twilight with grace and heartfelt prayer.
For beauty's truest form emerges from a heart that's kind,
A gentle warmth that lingers, leaving trails of love behind.

So let us not mourn the passing of youth's tender glow,
But celebrate its brilliance, in every ebb and flow.
For life's kaleidoscope offers colors bright and vast,
And beauty's sweetest memories eternally shall last.

Thus, cherish your reflection in the river's gentle tide,
For beauty, though ephemeral, is found in how we stride.
Let every fleeting moment be a testament, a sign,
That youth's allure may vanish, but beauty's yours and mine.

artwork - 2023-06-21T170002.785.png

This Image is an AI from a platform website where I thought of a word for the prompt I used


Wowww... I loved reading you...Quite simply, if you composed it looking at only one image, I must congratulate you, you have good wood to write...

It would be nice if you included two other images, to make the poem more meaningful and delight us in your humble lyrics 🥰🥰🥰

A big hug and big kiss from a distance but not into oblivion 😘😘😘

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic response to my poem in my post. I'm so happy to hear that you loved reading it and found value in my writing. Your kind words really made my day.

I understand your suggestion to include two or more additional images to enhance the meaning and enjoyment of the poem. I only got one Ai image but in my next post I will add more.