How to go from 13 members of the EducDAO group to a university of 222,000 students?
It's quite simple!
All you have to do is find a representative, once a month in a new university, in a new country.
By the end of 2025, we will have 12 representatives.
If each representative in turn recruits 3 representatives in 2026 and so on, we should have 222 partner universities in 3 or 4 years.
Then, each university representative must convince 1,000 students to join us. But what student wouldn't want to receive a basic income or earn tokens for their work?
The more courses working groups develop, the more attractive the university will become. We will be able to open departments of math, physics, computer science, history, philosophy, marketing, etc.

Could EducDAO be open to people of all ages? Could recruit representatives from schools & colleges too?
As the recruitment and participation grows, governments will start to become aware & will want to prevent this happen, so Universities would likely be told by big gov. to expel the representatives. What are your thoughts on this?
There is no age limit to become an EducDAO student.
Kids in colleges and schools may not be skilled enough to create a Hive account and have the responsability to have a wallet, I don't know.
Yes governments will probably fight decentralized cryptocurrencies. But can they do it if people adopt them in mass? wee will see.
This onfoing discussion thread may well be of interest to you. Follow through the comments (in particular with valued-customer) to get the picture: