Greetings, dear gamers. After several months without playing Free Fire, I came back to download the game to try my luck if I didn't forget how to play it, I managed to make a video as I did in a squad duel in qualifying, also taking advantage that I have been improving some aspects of video editing, so that it makes the experience of others much better when watching my videos about games.
Free Fire, ha sido un juego que ha ganado cierta popularidad en el transcurso del año por lo entretenido que se hace al momento de jugar las partidas con amigos. Tiene una gran variedad de personajes, ropa e incluso armamento, acordes a una temática o algo en particular, lo cual se hace fantástico al momento de variar nuestros personajes, como podrán ver en el video, tengo un personaje con un estilo punk. Lo emocionante acá es que podemos hablar con nuestro equipo durante la partida y armar mejores estrategias, así se hace una excelente experiencia de juego al momento de lograr una hazaña en conjunto.
Free Fire, has been a game that has gained some popularity over the course of the year because of the fun it provides when playing the games with friends. It has a great variety of characters, clothes and even weapons, according to a theme or something in particular, which becomes fantastic when varying our characters, as you can see in the video, I have a character with a punk style. The exciting thing here is that we can talk with our team during the game and build better strategies, so it's an excellent game experience when we achieve a joint feat.
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