
Since April this year, I moved from Weston to Surrey which is the place I was renting out when I was in Taiwan. But I just sold that now, and will be moving out next Monday. I got about 10 days notice to move as the buyer said if we don't complete before xmas (my plan was to drag it out till after the new year) she will pull out!! So we will be nomadding around in Premier Inns till my new place is ready in probably a months time. Should be an interesting month with Christmas and omricon etc. Been checking out what places are open on Christmas day so we won't starve, luckily there seem to be quite a few options 😊

Ahhh, makes sense now 😀 Congratulations on the sale! The market is so crazy right now. My friends have been stuck in a chain since July...
Shame you have to sit in the hotels for so long.

luckily there seem to be quite a few options

That's good!