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RE: IYC Contest #2 - Sports. Bicycles, boats, fitness and so on

Hi tatdt,

PE is physical education in the school system, when I'm not mistaken, right? Your friend is probably right. Most of us do sports for fun and don't want to get sweaty while doing it :o). And professional athletes or former ones have a completely different perspective on sports. It is or was their profession with which they earned their living. It is understandable.
I see calisthenic parks popping up everywhere. We have a couple dozens in Hannover as well and I think it is prevalent in every German city.
I would have loved to take a peak into the antifitness facility. The name alone makes me curious.
Thank you so much for your great entry, tatdt. We would love to read and see more of your city in our community and your experiences.
Have a great weekend.


You are absolutely right, PE is physical education. My friend means any uncomplicated exercises or games. I hope to continue to talk about my city, I'm sure there will be many interesting topics. Thank you so much for the new community and this contest!