A new Community - IYC - Introduce Your City

in Introduce Your City3 years ago (edited)


( EN / DE )
Dear friends all around the world, today I would like to introduce you to a wonderful new community:

IYC - Introduce Your City

About 2 weeks ago @freedomprepper told me about his idea for the community and I really liked it from the beginning. He invited me and we decided to start this project together. Even though we are both still very young Hivians, we hope that it will develop into a big community over time.

Yes Beeber, now tell us what this is all about! ... Okay ;-)

We want to see the world you live in - through your eyes. Where do you live and what is your life like there? What is there to tell and show that the ordinary tourist would never see?

We want to read your personal stories and see your personal pictures of the cities, villages and regions where you live.

And we want to create another possibility for the hive worlds to get to know each other, understand each other even better and exchange ideas.

Sounds great? We would be happy if you join us, here you find the Link directly to the community on HIVE:
Introduce Your City

Below you find the rules we have established for posting to the community (rules, which probably will be revised again, as this is our beginning):

  • Post about the places you live in, no travel postings.

  • Articles should be written in English or bilingual, with English as one of the languages.

  • We don't tolerate plagiarism, texts and photos must be your own.

  • IYC is a broad community about the places we live in, be it villages, towns or cities.

  • Be kind to other IYC users and try to support them, we want to build a embracing and loving community.

And the best at the end: We will run contests on all kinds of topics related to cities, regions, places, life and everything else! So please stay tuned, we will start soon!



Liebe Freunde, ich möchte euch heute gerne eine wunderbare, neue Community vorstellen: IYC - Introduce Your City

Vor in etwa 2 Wochen hat mir @freedomprepper von seiner Idee zu der Community erzählt und sie hat mir von Anfang sehr gut gefallen. So haben wir beschlossen, dieses Projekt gemeinsam auf die Beine zu stellen. Auch wenn wir noch sehr junge Hivians sind, hoffen wir doch, dass es sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einer großen Gemeinschaft entwickeln wird.

Ja is gut Beeber, jetzt sag endlich worum es dabei geht! ... okay ;-)

Wir wollen die Welt in der ihr lebt durch eure Augen sehen. Wo lebt ihr und wie ist euer Leben dort? Was gibt es alles zu erzählen und zu zeigen, das der gewöhnliche Tourist niemals sehen würde?

Wir wollen eure persönlichen Geschichten und Bilder von den Städten, Dörfern, Regionen sehen, in denen ihr lebt.

Und wir wollen damit eine weitere Möglichkeit schaffen, dass die Hive Welten sich kennenlernen, noch besser verstehen und austauschen.

Und das Beste zum Schluss: Schon bald startet unser erster Contest, wir würden uns wirklich sehr freuen, wenn auch aus der deutschen Community viele teilnehmen wollen!

Ich hoffe euch gefällt die Idee :-) Eure B.

Looking foreward to see all my friends joining us and I really hope you like this idea as much as I do :-)
Yours, B.

More informations about:
Introduction Post of the IYC Community

Link directly to IYC Community on HIVE

pictures are mine, IYC Logo created by @freedomprepper and @beeber
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Collage made with https://www.fotojet.com/


I am glad such initiative came up to introduce such great community. It will be nice to know more about the places where people live and all about their environment. I know this community will indeed be a success..

Thanks for the information.

@dreemport directed me to your post.

thank you for stoping by from dreemport @davidbright
Yes the intention was, to see more of all these wonderful different places we live in. The first contest will be starting tomorrow :-) maybe you want to join :-)

I hope I remember. I will try to join the contest

I hope so, would be happy to have some of your thoughtful words there too 😊

No problem... Lets see how that goes.

Here is your reminder ☺ we just started the first little contest ☺

Thanks so much for this reminder. I was thinking you would drop the link for me here but not to worry.. I will find it ... I appreciate

Servus @beeber,

da sollte ich ja doch glatt auch einen post darüber machen....


diese City ist dir ja sicher bekannt 😅 😂


Haha jetzt sag nicht du hast wirklich eine Drohne??? Dachte es war ein Scherz. Ja dieses Nest kenn ich von irgendwoher 🤔

Ich finde es ja eh schade dass ich bei den contests dann nicht mitmachen kann. Vielleicht lässt sich ja dann der @reiseamateur animieren für Graz teilzunehmen 😉

Servus @beeber,

manchmal scherze ich 😎, doch zu 99% bin ich ehrlich! glaub ich zumindest 😅
Aber vielleicht könnte ich ja den Beitrag damals auf Steem für Hive neu aufmotzen:


sogar noch mit meetup bilder drinnen, die würden aber hier nicht gut ankommen...

bis den! lg

Und alle sind sie verschollen hier? Schade. Ich hoffe du bleibst hive treu. Sitzplätze in Graz für dem Contest würden mir zu genüge einfallen leider kann ichv ja nicht teilnehmen.

Servus @beeber,

Ich hoffe du bleibst hive treu

bin in erster linie freier Cryptoblogger seit 2017:


War mal sehr begeistert und auch engagiert,...
ne lange sehr lange Geschichte....
Aber nach dem Corona wird es sicher Cryptoblogger Meetups geben,
auch wieder in Graz!
Viel Spaß beim Hivefest!!
(glaub mir in real und live ist es 1000 mal besser!! war selbst dabei)

auch diese, aber zur Zeit nicht:

Oh das muss ich mir mal alles in Ruhe durchschauen
Ja wies aussieht ist beeberchen bald im lockdown 😶 ja mei

Hallo. Ganz coole Sache 😎

Freut mich wenns gefällt ☺ und bin schon neugierig auf deine Beiträge lieber @dragon-ti

Auf geht's der erste contest ist online und du hast das ganze Wochenende Zeit dir was nettes zu überlegen 😘

This is a really nice initiative, the rules of the community will surely make Hivers know their selves very well and I'm in for this as well.

I'll try to share whatever I can in the community. And I'm expecting a contest to open the community formally 😃

Got here through @dreemport

Hi @merit.ahama thank you for your interest and coming here from dreemport. We actually plan the first contest and it will be startet tomorrow 😊😊😊

Wow that's goodnews, I'll be on the look out then

The first little contest has started ☺ hope we all will have a lot of fun there

Oh great! I'll check it out soon

I am definitely going to join and post about my city but I am confused whether I submit my work city or where I am at present! I will post about my work city first.

I would say you can choose both as they are both places you live in. Happy you joined and looking forward starting a great community ☺

Thank you, I will although both these cities are in two different countries.

Hi ☺ we started the first little contest maybe it's a easy to jump in topic for you ☺

I will definitely post one as I am eager to submit my post in this category. I will do it within the next 40 hours. Thanks for the reminder.

Hi @beeber 👋🏽, I've joined your community and can't wait to see the content from people all around the world.🌏🌎 ❤️
May this community flourish and flood with the intimate stories and culture of the world.

Thank you dear @evachin that makes me happy you joined, for sure you will have a lot of real great places and stories to show us ☺ !LUV






@evachin, you've been given LUV from @beeber.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/4)

Thanks @luvshares and @beeber for the ❤️.

Most welcome and with you in the community, I am sure it will have interesting content and contest 😍 thank you for the ❤️😘 danke schön. 🤗

Dear @evachin the first contest started and I am sure you find something you can post to this topic there where you live 😘 looking forward for your entry 😘

Hi @beeber, hope you are well...I will definitely check IYC once I settled back in and catch up on lost times while I was away from Hive. 🤗 Thank you so much for remembering me. ❤️

Yay! 🤗
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Ein toller Artikel @beeber :o). Morgen geht's los. Ich bin schon ganz aufgeregt, auch wenn wir natürlich nicht an den Contests teilnehmen dürfen (oder wenn, dann nur außer Konkurrenz).

This is interesting. At least one would know different cities across the global world and how they are doing too. This is a nice community and i believe it would be fun viewing places.

Thank you @princessbusayo what nice people @dreemport brings to my posts.
We are starting our very first contest tomorrow, thursday, so maybe you like to join too? I would love to see pictures and stories from all over the world :-)

Such a fun community!!!

I wish I knew about this - I would have told people they could submit their DreemPort Challenge posts here too! LOLOL

because our contest for tomorrow is all about traveling all over the world - and it would have fit right into your challenge!

With your permission? I can talk about it next time! Anyone who wants to do their imaginary travel in their own city - can submit their post for your challenge AND for ours too!
we can double up!! :)

it's too late for me to announce it for tomorrow - but i can announce it for next week if you like????

let me know! ❤️

hey dear Dreemy 😊 as the community is brand new, @freedomprepper and me for sure would be proud to connect in some way, but first just let us start our very very first contest tomorrow :-) it's so much things to think about starting a contest! I did never realize this :-) but also so much fun
I already tried to bring @freedomprepper to PYPT last week, because his english is much better than mine to explain what it all will be about. So maybe if you invite him personally he comes out of his shy corner ;-)

hehehee of course of course!!! Next week (or whenever you like) I would love to tell all our dreemers about your contest

will it be an ongoing one??? so I can tell them about it next week? or just a one time thing?

and @freedomprepper!!! please come to PYPT! hahaha

@beeber why shy too - but she always does amazing!!!! so you should come and talk with us too!!!

please please! hehehe

We are planning weekly or 2-weekly contests 😊 and we have enough ideas for the next years by now 😂

and of course every freeposting to the community page, all around IYC topics without contest also is welcome

Hehhehee well I will be happy to talk about your community!!! And if we can get more people interested....great!!!! Hehehe

I love that you're doing contests!!! You'll have so much fun!

Hi there ☺ just wanna let you know the firsr little IYC contest started ☺

Fantastic idea! @beeber and @freedomprepper. What I love doing when I travel is do wander off the well-beaten tourist track, find the backstreets, the local hang outs, the communities and try to get a feel of what it must be like to live in the place 💗. !PIZZA

yea and away from tourists you always find the best and cheapest restaurants :-) happy you joined us and looking foreward for your entries of the place you live too.
tomorrow we will start the first contest 😊 no pizza left, but think there should be one !LUV for you 😊






@samsmith1971, you've been given LUV from @beeber.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/4)

Aw thank you @beeber. yes! I was going to mention this about the food. When I visited Paris for the first time in the mid '90s with my now-husband, we were walking down the Champs Elysee and thinking...man, these food prices are crazy and being vegetarian... not much we could eat...anyway it was lunchtime and we saw a side road off the Avenue and decided to walk down it. We found a road a few turns down that ran parallel to the Champs Elysee and there were the workmen coming out of a small cafe with food so we walked in... it was awesome. A regular lunch cafe where workers were queued up to buy hot chips etc. We had a massive plate each for under a fiver and there was such a nice communal buzz in there...

I have been to Paris too and by luck we had somebody living in Paris who went with us to an arabic resraurant. Haha without a guide we probably never would have been entered there.
And it was the best couscous ever we found there. Soooo delicious.

lols that made me chuckle ... you crossed the border, went to Paris, and ate... Arabic hee hee.

Yea crazy I know but it was the best couscous ever 😅
Did you see we started the first little IYC contest ☺

Yes, I saw the message. it's on my list to visit :-)


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@samsmith1971(16/20) tipped @beeber (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

This Community will help travellers alot.

Thank you we hope it will. The first contest started and we will see what people will show us ☺ thanks for stopping by

It is indeed a great initiative. This will further enhance a form of connectivity among people that is beyond boundaries. IT IS ALSO A FORM OF ONLINE EXPLORATION OF WORLD. Some of us keep homes in different cities, can we do the posting as well?

Hi thanks for your reply
Of course every place where you have the sight of a citizen. Also a place where you lived some years in the past will be welcome. Just no ordanary tourist view ☺ looking forward for you posts.
For jumping in we also started the first little contest ☺
But feel free to post whatever topic you like

Hello @beeber, I may far too late to join in with this contest but am very happy just to be a part of the fun #introduceyourcity theme. Regards Angie

Hi @angiemitchell no, it wouldnt have been too late, but unfortunately you didnt post in into the IYC Community :-( I will talk with @freedomprepper if we can count it for the contest or not. :-) It's such a nice entry thank you so much !LUV

I am gonna enter but i decline the prize

Really looking forward to your entry. Ok the same as @melinda010100 did, you all are so kind this makes me happy !LUV






@brittandjosie, you've been given LUV from @beeber.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/4)

in wich channel should I have asked you to follow me?????