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I don't care what change is made with the bot, I don't think I will participate/donate/delegate towards its funding any longer. Its not a community bot, its just a private upvote service focused on precious metals- which is fine I just don't want to participate. It gets all bound up in ROI for everyone and causes too many issues. I have struggled with the few who spend so much time running the bot, and a tiny amount of those who use the bot who actually donate for the monster raffle prizes. While it felt like to me there were a lot who felt entitled to a daily upvote and complained when things didn't work perfectly.

I am all about supporting metals content HIVE - just not this way anymore. I understand those who want to keep it running - its just not for me anymore.


@senstless it most diffently is a community bot. A community bot founded on precious metal content. I have always valued your opinion, and would hate to see you not participate. After all metals is what brought us together, metals should be what keeps us together. Thanks brother!

I am not active on chain much, too tired of all the drama. My feelings are probably half about the bot and half about hive/steem etc. I plan on still being a discord troll, i prefer to chat with people.vs try to create posts.