Warsaken Deck Construction Part 2 (The Intel Deck)

in WARSAKEN2 years ago (edited)


Warsaken Deck Construction Part 2 (The Intel Blitz Deck)

In the last post I shared with you the basics of building a Warsaken Blitz deck. I also walked through a deck build using my idea of a Force deck. This post I will explain an Intel deck for Warsaken Blitz game play.

The first thing in building an Intel deck, or any deck for that matter, is to understand how the deck should operate, or rather the goals of running the Intel deck.

When playing Warsaken Blitz, when a player matches 3 Intel type cards, it is their choice whether to Bounce up to 3 cards from their opponents War Zone, make their opponent discard 3 cards of their choice from their hand, or to discard the top 6 cards from their opponents arsenal. For those new to the game, to Bounce an opponents card in Warsaken Blitz, means to remove a played card from the opponents War Zone and place it into the opponents discard pile.

Knowing how Intel cards operate in Warsaken Blitz, and knowing that we can compromise an enemy leader by depleting their arsenal, one can figure the idea behind the Intel deck. The object is to deplete the opponents arsenal, then strike the leader.

To build the deck we must still remain in the confines laid out in my last post found here: Deck Construction Part 1. Or from the Warsaken official rules page found here: Warsaken.com/rules/blitz.


I am not going to walk through how to pick the leader, or add the territories. If you need help with this part, please see Deck Construction Part 1.

To create my Intel decks I start with Force. Any Force, doesn't matter, rank 1, no attack value, doesn't matter. All that we care about is that the card is of type Force. Generally I try to find which ever Force cards I own that have the most XP as a set of 4. (P2E rewards will be tied to deck XP in the future) You can pick that stinger Force card here to to make your statement. When we create this deck there will only be 1 or 2 sets of Force cards. In this deck build I will add 2 sets of 4.


As seen above, I have added 8 Force cards to the deck. 4 of each Card ID, each with 1 off variations.

The next header is WMD, we will not be adding any WMDs to this Intel deck. When we think back to the object of this deck's play, we will not be attacking any territories. The only thing a WMD can do in Warsaken Blitz, is to eliminate up to 2 territories, once per match. With this fact in mind, it is wasting card slots in an Intel deck to add WMD type cards.

The next thing I will add is going to be Buildings. In an Intel deck Building type cards are necessary. In Warsaken Blitz, when a player plays 3 matching Building type cards, it is their choice whether to take any 3 cards from their discard pile and put them in their hand, or to take any 6 cards from their discard pile and place them in their arsenal, then shuffle their arsenal. This ability becomes needed when playing an Intel deck against a Intel deck, or a well balanced deck. When one plays against these 2 types of decks, it is a given that some of your cards will be discarded as well. When using an Intel deck, and knowing you can only eliminate a leader with a Force match, if your opponent eliminates your Force cards you need a way to recover them. The Building cards are the answer. I will add 3 sets of 4 Building cards.


The 3 sets of 4 Building cards shown above.

I will wait to add my Intel cards until the end much like I did creating my Force deck in part 1. As with Morale, we will skip Morale type cards in the Intel deck. Morale cards can affect an opponent's total Morale. Although Morale cards can also add morale to your overall total, when playing an Intel deck, an opponent's morale is never an issue and if your deck is working correctly they won't be attacking your morale. It doesn't matter if the opponent has 20 morale, once the arsenal is depleted, the leader is compromised. Morale cards are card slot wasters in an Intel deck in my mind.

Weather however is a must include. Weather allows for that extra turn that is much needed when stringing Intel matches together. I will max out Weather and add 4 sets of 4.


Now I've got all the components for the Intel deck constructed besides the Intel cards. Scrolling all the way to the top will show me how many cards are left to add.


You can see this deck is at 41 cards, this leaves 24 cards left to add to the deck for it to be a valid Warsaken Blitz deck. This will mean I am going to add 6 sets of 4 Intel cards.


Above are the 6 sets of 4 Intel cards that I added. Once again, in Warsaken Blitz, only the card type matters. Matching any 3 sets of Intel cards during play will be effective.

Now scrolling back to the top, we can see the deck is now Blitz Ready. This means the card count is right, the starting morale is within limits, and all card sets are in sets of at least 3. You can also see the deck status message window has some messages.


Deck messages will help you build your decks as well. However, all the messages will drive you to build a balanced deck. After this deck creation we can see the following messages:

  • 1. No G-Force Card
  • --I did not add a G-Force card to this deck, this comes more into play when Warsaken Standard deck building.
  • 2. Too Few Air Forces
  • --The sub-type of Force cards does not matter when it comes to Warsaken Blitz. Only the card type matters.
  • 3. To Few Forces--There are very few Force cards in this deck. This deck revolves around Intel type cards to deplete an opponent's arsenal.
  • 4. To Few WMDS
  • --The Intel deck type does not utilize WMDs.
  • 5. Low resource Production
  • --Resource production is a Warsaken Standard mechanic. Resource production does not happen in Warsaken Blitz.

    The final deck list for this Intel deck.


    Here are a couple opening draws of 8...


    With the Intel deck created, now how do you run it?

    The object is to create your Intel matches, primarily forcing your opponent to continuously discard the top 6 cards of their arsenal. When needed, you can also use the Intel match to bounce cards your opponent is close to matching. By eliminating any quantity of 2 of a specific card, that card becomes out of play until the opponent can play a building and retrieve at least 1 from their discard. If/When your arsenal becomes low, use the Building matches to return 6 cards to your arsenal. Keep in mind you can also retrieve Building cards from your discard pile. By the time you deplete your opponent's arsenal, you should have drawn at least 1 set of 3 of the Force cards that have been included. If played correctly, you will only play 1 set of Force cards, the set that eliminates your opponent's leader.

    Sometimes your opponent will force you to discard or bounce your few Force cards, when using your Building cards during game play, if you notice your Force cards in your discard, you may want to opt into taking 3 to your hand and ensuring the Force match is made. Without the Force match, depleting an opponent's arsenal isn't enough to win.

    Intel decks can be frustrating to play, and play against alike, but utilized the proper way, an Intel deck can be hard to beat.

    In the next part in the deck building series, we will walk through a Morale deck build.

    Until next time see you in the War Zone. @relaylogix

    Previous Hive Posts
    Warsaken Deck Construction Part 1
    Warsaken Standard Gameplay Guide Part 1

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    First person to tag @relaylogix#8335 in the Warsaken general discord with the phrase "Bancroft was Bancroft, now Bancroft is." and their WAX wallet address will receive a special gift. (Phrase is CASE SENSITIVE and must include proper punctuation.) See ya there.


Congratulations Commander Sevi for scooping up the prize!