HOLODOMOR 2.0: The 2025/26 SPARS PLANdemic and the Great Trump Deception

in Anarchy United2 months ago
Authored by @Dollar Vigilante

HOLODOMOR 2.0: The 2025/26 SPARS PLANdemic and the Great Trump Deceptionby @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/tdv_main_channel

It’s Killin’ Time! We’re getting close to Deagel’s predicted 2025 mass extinction. First, it looks like there’ll be some WW3 nuclear action. For the survivors, a strategically planned new plandemic. And, just like that, you’re in a 15-minute SMART concentration camp, guarded by drones and robot dogs, being forced to take the new death jab for being ‘anti-semitic’.

Tesla Machine: https://tzla.club/

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Intro vid: Dor Brothers:

Check out today’s video..!


is keyr starmer not most boring idiot running the most boring clown show of all those morons?

btw. just in germany alone are 120 us military bases

dude i want to believe the tesla machine is for real but i have been chasing rainbows trying to cure my extreme tinnitus. Every thing I have tried turns out to be snake oil including spacebusters zodiac salts. I have enough crypto thanks to you to survive the apocalypse but not enought to survive and try the tesla machine (maybe that will change at crypto explodes) do you have any evidence that the tesla machine can reverse Massive tinnitus?

meditate, ask You Higher Self how to fix it and wait for the answer, immediately in a dream or in a life situation

One way would be: You need to go "back" and solve the root cause of the tinnitus which you might find how to do using this link (there are certain problems with conflicts which are present a long time but lets not get into that, first maybe read about it and then more and try to find english speaking people with the real knowledge who can help e.g. newmedicine.ca), at least some information what it MIGHT be (unfortunately in german but I am sure you'll find a way to translate!): https://germanische-heilkunde.at/tinnitus-ein-aktiver-hoerkonflikt/ I am not sure that consumables help for everything (every human being is unique, it helps some, but others are unaffected..), but it also might, since if you are already taking such consumables usually BEFORE you have any problems, you probably are more aware of everything is happening and hence you are less prone to such devastating impacts. Heres a talk in english about NewMedcine: https://vigilante.tv/w/s77GPkz253TtwsMwKf2rtT

awesome content jeff

Why does it sound in that video clip from Roger that he still stands behind BTC / Bitcoin (which was crippled, see his latest book)? :D Interesting is, that they went full force after him, after the book came out, probably something they did not like to hear since they probably abuse BTC for their purpose? Makes you think!