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RE: Wednesday is for Walking: The Story

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

Youth is wasted on the young. My parents use to say that to all of their kids when we would do something silly or unfitting. :) I never got what they meant until I was an adult and now I think the same thing about my own kids. LOL

Ah, if we could only live life backwards, yes? We think we are so smart when we are young and then find out that we really knew nothing. :)

Ah, yes. Youth is wasted on the young. Thanks so much @tattoodjay ! I appreciate your words!


My parents said the same thing and of course when I heard it I thought they were the crazy ones, but like you I now know better 😂

But I do wonder if I could go back would I change anything and maybe not it’s all part of the kaleidoscope of life’s journey that made me who I am and got me to the point in my life as it is now

Ok maybe I would change a couple of things like yesterday be more careful in the garden and nit trip over the power cord lol

Have a great day