Well, I Gave it a Shot! (HiveBloPoMo Day 14)

in HiveBloPoMolast year

Well, I gave it a shot! That is, I gave #HiveBloPoMo a shot, and I made it 11 days before failing.


Sadly, the combination of trhee days of doing an "away show" with my artwork all day, adding to that traveling and packing time, followed by immediately having to catch up with a three day backlog of not being available to attend to my home businesses (and associated email) caught up with me along with a certain degree of exhaustion and I was just not able to complete my daily posting.

Sometimes I wonder if we bring these things upon ourselves, given that I kind of knew ahead of time that it would be a hell of a struggle for me to complete this challenge on certain days simply because I wouldn't be here... and wherever I would be that wasn't "here" I would be extremely busy.

For a moment, I reflected on whether I would have been more likely to succeed during a different month when we have less going on. But we don't really have months with less going on... so the answer is "no."


In a broader sense, it got me to thinking about priorities again, and about how the greater world is set up.

OK, let's back up for a moment. What actually got me to thinking about priorities was a conversation I had with Mrs. Denmarkguy earlier in the day where she was feeling a little bit peeved by the fact that some company was pinging her for the third time in three days about something they were looking for an answer to.

We looked at each other and concluded that the world is predominantly set up for people who just do one thing. And when you just do one thing you also have the bandwidth to sit down and give 100% of your attention to such a thing as whether your requested library book is in, or whether an order you got from somewhere has arrived.

Maybe that sounds a bit vague, but consider the difference between working 60 hours a week at one primary job, or working a total of 60 hours at three very different part-time jobs. The latter (which I have done!) is actually far more exhausting than the former. Even if you purport to love variety...


For some of us, the mere process of life feels more like riding a bobsled down a landslide of loose rocks during dense fog while it's also raining and you're trying to run a large company telephone switchboard. So when somebody exclaims "oh, look at the cute bird over there!" the only thing on your own mind is "Hello, I am a little bit busy with a whole lot of things right here!"

All in all, though, I'm glad I gave it a try, and I will undoubtedly be back again for the next round!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!

Graphic by @traciyork


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2023-11-14 15:10 PST



I loved this line. Sometimes I just want to scream it out loud. 😂😅
“Hello, I am a little bit busy with a whole lot of things right here!"

I so relate to that @sunscape, we have a lot going on most of the time, and getting to everything is an eternal mosaic of fitting bits and pieces together in small time slots, as best we can.

Someone coming along and thinking their issue occupies the center of the universe generally does not win favors...