The charts below show how much HIVE is stored on each exchange where HIVE is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
HIVE stored on all exchanges

HIVE stored on Huobi

HIVE stored on Binance

HIVE stored on Bittrex

HIVE stored on Upbit

HIVE stored on Probit

HIVE stored on Ionomy

HIVE stored on MXC

How much HIVE is currently stored on each exchange?

Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change |
Huobi | 40,833,736 HIVE | 39,052,919 HIVE | +4.6% |
Binance | 25,228,681 HIVE | 26,343,630 HIVE | -4.2% |
Bittrex | 15,230,124 HIVE | 14,402,547 HIVE | +5.7% |
Upbit | 14,072,639 HIVE | 14,414,752 HIVE | -2.4% |
Probit | 308,948 HIVE | 440,680 HIVE | -29.9% |
Ionomy | 26,786 HIVE | 31,352 HIVE | -14.6% |
MXC | 5,888 HIVE | 52,991 HIVE | -88.9% |
Total amount of HIVE stored on all exchanges: 95,706,802 HIVE
Total HIVE supply: 352,189,754 HIVE
Liquid HIVE: 197,359,827 HIVE
- 27.2% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 48.5% of all liquid HIVE is stored on the exchanges.
Soon to break the 1M barrier, party time!
Seems like none of the recent new (if they were new) buyers have got the slightest interest in powering up!
Hopefully you keep writing this kind of post because it really helps us.
I think the MXC amount cannot be correct if there is more than 1 Milllion USD traded every day (according to coingecko). That seems very wrong.
I doubt the trading volume on MXC. Their Hive wallet is not very active. Only a few deposits/withdrawals a day.
I get your point and I see that too, but I would like to see a screenshot of somebody who has an account at mxc.
A screenshot of their orderbook...
Orderbooks are here:
There's much more HIVE on the sell side than there is HIVE in their wallet. It seems there is HIVE being sold that is actually not on the exchange.
Maybe there have more accounts and this one is just their hot wallet?
They have 11 million Hive according to their order book...
And that is only the amount of HIVE in sell orders, so they have more...
Could be, but @mxchive is used for both deposits and withdrawals. Besides, I can't find any transactions between @mxchive and another possible MXC wallet. I also searched for other accounts with 'mxc' in the accountname, but could not found any other wallet.
Finally, I looked at a list of the largest transfers per day I don't see any large HIVE transfers to a possible other MXC wallet.
I think this is their only wallet.
Could it be that they had STEEM and got the airdrop?
Thanks for this my friend 🤝
( I'm upvoting this comment so people can see please do the same)
I'm on a blacklist
I can't appeal against plus this was with account
source @hivewatcer