The charts below show how much HIVE is stored on each exchange where HIVE is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
HIVE stored on all exchanges
HIVE stored on Huobi
HIVE stored on Binance
HIVE stored on Bittrex
HIVE stored on Upbit
HIVE stored on Bithumb
HIVE stored on Probit
HIVE stored on Ionomy
HIVE stored on MXC
HIVE stored on Ethereum (WHIVE)
How much HIVE is currently stored on each exchange?
Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change | % |
Huobi | 31,842,299 HIVE | 32,484,274 HIVE | -641,975 HIVE | -2.0% |
Binance | 34,956,712 HIVE | 35,555,894 HIVE | -599,182 HIVE | -1.7% |
Bittrex | 15,359,085 HIVE | 15,506,373 HIVE | -147,288 HIVE | -0.9% |
Upbit | 28,484,520 HIVE | 26,873,108 HIVE | +1,611,412 HIVE | +6.0% |
Bithumb | 12,123,992 HIVE | 12,009,189 HIVE | +114,803 HIVE | +1.0% |
Probit | 92,860 HIVE | 96,239 HIVE | -3,379 HIVE | -3.5% |
Ionomy | 19,853 HIVE | 15,946 HIVE | +3,907 HIVE | +24.5% |
MXC | 7,106 HIVE | 7,106 HIVE | 0 HIVE | +0.0% |
Ethereum (WHIVE) | 27,526 HIVE | 27,526 HIVE | 0 HIVE | +0.0% |
Total amount of HIVE stored on all exchanges: 122,913,953 HIVE
Total HIVE supply: 378,273,879 HIVE
Non-Vested HIVE: 237,704,435 HIVE
- 32.5% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 51.7% of all non-vested HIVE is stored on the exchanges.