This is something really interesting, and it makes the different contexts very well elucidated. There is something very important in it, and it is the resilience that the community of my native country possesses, perhaps it is because of the mutable scheme of the situations. This causes us to have to respond, and look for an alternative to everything.
This is something that can be seen within the ecosystem, but it is also part of the reality of the national context. Venezuela is living in a context of hyperinflation and that also causes an opening in personal visions. There is also the issue of recreation, being limited by the context, we simply let ourselves go and focus on creating repeatedly.
The benefits of this are truly appreciable and significant at this transcendental moment.
It's surprising to see how Venezuelans have this entrenchment within the ecosystem. Another aspect in which I agree is that the adoption of cryptocurrencies will come from Latin America and I believe that a potential actor in that process will be Venezuela.
Greetings. : )