I'm chilling with my homies on the east side baby girl!!
Or something. Come on, hop in my car. It bounces up and down at traffic lights!
I'm chilling with my homies on the east side baby girl!!
Or something. Come on, hop in my car. It bounces up and down at traffic lights!
Ha!!!! Cool it old man. I'm like a black widow. ;)
Maybe we could fight crime together!! :OD
Are you spiderman?
I do spin strong silk. So yes, in a way I think I am!
Of course, you do. What was I thinking? Look here, old man... Give me a post! I promise not to comment! Wait... is this Japanese silk or that cheap knock off Scottish stuff?
Japanese Silk!! A gentleman never undersells!
Might be one tomorrow ;O)
Oh, keep chillin with those homies. It has turned you around. Tomorrow's should be legend!
Oh, Japanese! I should have never doubted you.