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RE: The Indonesia List: June 2024

in Hive Statistics7 months ago

I see a few people are missing from this list, including myself. But it's still a great job you have made here, thank you for publishing this list.

There are a few main reason why HIVE seems big in Aceh, but I do not wish to discuss that here because all of those could bring some negative sentiments. For example, just a sneak peek here, one of those few is the domination in legacy blockchain, which make people believe that they can make some shitty 1 pic + 100 words or some padi/rice field pics then get some bucks here too like they do on there.


Wah saya baru tau soal itu om. Saya beberapa kali juga nemu postingan berisi 1 foto dan beberapa kalimat aja. Ada juga yang bahkan copas dari wiki atau hasil AI yang bahasanya agak gimana gitu..

Yang penting kita ga ikut-ikutan begitu om, jangan kasih contoh jelek ataupun ngikutin yang jelek

I know certain places seem to have generated a lot of junk posts. That may not even mean there are many people involved. We need to find the genuine accounts and trust is not easy to automate. This is just an initial list that others could build on.

saya sekarang masih sedikit sibuk dan otak saya lagi memproses itu untuk saya biar semangat dan mencari hal yang menurut saya untuk saat ini terbaik dengan pilihan kehidupan nyata saya.
saya akan selalu ingat dengan hive karena disini saya belajar banyak hal yang saya ketahui di dunia digital ini