Esa Noche / That night

in Cervantes3 years ago

La luna brillaba con fuerza
Y en el mar se reflejaba
Era una noche perfecta
La que ese día disfrutaba (1).png

Y ahí estaba ella, radiante, hermosa
Esperando escuchar aquella frase
Ante ella, la belleza de la noche era poca cosa
Él sin duda era afortunado por allí encontrarse (1).png

Él sabía que decir, ¡hace mucho lo sabía!
Ella esperaba escucharlo, ¡ese era el día! (1).png

Entre palabras, risas y miradas se iban yendo los minutos
Él decidió esperar un poco, por nada quería arruinarlo
Mas no encontraba el momento, para él era algo confuso
El tiempo indolente seguía su curso, él tendría que intentarlo (1).png

Dentro de su mente miles de cosas ocurrían a toda prisa
Mientras su rostro reflejaba poco, apenas una sonrisa
Así estaba ella, dispuesta a escuchar y decir Sí, acepto
Su vida ya no le pertenecía, era de él por completo (1).png

Solo debía pedirlo, solo debía atreverse y saltar
A la felicidad, a la dicha de amar y ser correspondido
¿Y si no resultaba bien? ¿Y si caía por intentar volar?
Así el miedo se aferraba a él, era su peor enemigo (1).png

Los minutos se volvieron horas, para ella era el tiempo de volver
Él solo estaba perdido en su mente, repasando lo que debía hacer
Y así, como si de un cuento se tratara, se acercó un poco y le dijo:
“Te amo, eres mi razón, mi motivo, mi fuerza, hoy a ti te elijo”. (1).png

Sonrojada y feliz por aquella hermosa muestra de amor
Tomo su mano y con su mirada despejó cualquier temor
Eran uno para el otro, ambos hace mucho lo sabían bien
Y así, de la mano, caminaron juntos hacia el amanecer.
separadores - copia.png

English Version

The moon shone brightly
And reflected in the sea
It was a perfect night
That I was enjoying that day (1).png

And there she was, radiant, beautiful
Waiting to hear that phrase
Before her, the beauty of the night was little thing
He was indeed fortunate to be there (1).png

He knew what to say, he knew it long ago!
She was waiting to hear it, that was the day! (1).png

Between words, laughter and glances the minutes were passing by
He decided to wait a little bit, he didn't want to ruin it for nothing.
But he couldn't find the time, it was confusing for him.
The indolent time continued its course, he would have to try it. (1).png

Inside his mind thousands of things were happening in a hurry
While her face reflected little, barely a smile
So was she, ready to listen and say Yes, I accept.
Her life no longer belonged to him, it belonged to him completely. (1).png

All she had to do was ask, all she had to do was dare and jump
To happiness, to the bliss of loving and being loved back
What if it didn't work out, what if he fell for trying to fly?
So fear clung to him, it was his worst enemy. (1).png

The minutes turned into hours, for her it was time to go back.
He was just lost in his mind, going over what he had to do.
And so, as if in a fairy tale, he came a little closer and said to her:
"I love you, you are my reason, my motive, my strength, today to you I choose you." (1).png

Blushing and happy for that beautiful show of love.
She took his hand and with her gaze she cleared away any fear.
They were one for the other, both knew it well since a long time ago.
And so, hand in hand, they walked together towards the dawn.
Mi publicación (2).jpg
Usuario en Discord: victoraraguayan1#4715
Traducido al ingles desde:


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