Carta a un paciente de COVID / A letter to a COVID patient (ESP/ENG)

in Cervantes3 years ago (edited)


Hermano mío de mi corazón... ¿Estás ahí?
Yo estoy aquí contigo, acompañándote.
No estás solo, nunca te dejaremos solo.

Ahora no puedes decidir,
pero los que por ti decidimos
lo hacemos con la esperanza
de que sea lo mejor para ti.

Estabas despierto y muy fuerte.
ya te estabas recuperando,
respirabas cada vez mejor.
Te reías, mandabas a preparar cosas
para cuando volvieras a casa...

De pronto, nos dicen que te descompensaste,
que tus pulmones están a punto de colapsar
que necesitan entubarte,
como última esperanza de salvarte la vida.

No hay un panorama claro, hermano mío.
Los pronósticos son pesimistas,
pero tenemos mucha fe
en que tu corazón compasivo,
va a alcanzar la gracia de Dios
y te va a conceder
muchos años más de vida.

Por eso oramos...


A letter to a COVID patient

Brother of my heart... Are you there?
I am here with you, accompanying you.
You are not alone, we will never leave you alone.

Now you cannot decide,
but those of us who decide for you
we do it in the hope
that it will be the best for you.

You were awake and very strong.
You were already recovering,
you were breathing better and better.
You were laughing, you were sending things to prepare
for when you came back home...

Suddenly, they tell us that you decompensated,
that your lungs are about to collapse...
that they need to intubate you,
as a last hope to save your life.

There is no clear outlook, my brother.
The prognoses are pessimistic,
but we have great faith
that your compassionate heart
will reach the grace of God
and will grant you
many more years of life.

That's our pray...

Soy Amelia


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