Buenos dias a todos, como buen amante del pollo que somos en mi familia, el cual nunca debe de faltar, a veces les comento que un dia en ves de bellos, nos va a salir pluma, pero bueno dicha carne es la que concidero mas saludable, no solo eso que con el pollo se pueden elaborar infinidades de comidas, no solo eso es muy facil de cocinarlo, como en este caso el cual una ves trozado lo cocino a la olla, a la que agregue un poco de aceite, luego cebolla, ajo, cortado bien pequeño, sal a gusto luego la carne antes mencionada, tambien un poco de locote o morron, cebolla de verdeo y una pisca de pimienta, la cual le da el sabor final.
Entonces teniendo el pollo cocinado de esta forma, lo mejor para acompañarlo es la mandioca hervida, la cual una ves pelada o sea se le saca la cascara, porque es un tuberculo, lugo se lava bien y se ponde a hervir, una ves blanda se le quita el agua y de esta manera esta lista para degustarla.
Asi es amigos como les dije, el pollo es una de nuestra preferencia en una gran variedad de comidas, pero cocinado asi y con mandioca la verdad salio muy rico.
Good morning everyone, as a good lover of chicken that we are in my family, which should never be missing, sometimes I comment that one day instead of beautiful, we will get feather, but well this meat is the one that I consider healthier, not only that with the chicken can be made infinite meals, not only that it is very easy to cook it, as in this case which once cut into pieces I cook it in the pot, to which I add a little oil, then onion, garlic, cut very small, salt to taste then the meat mentioned above, also a little bit of locote or morron, green onion and a pinch of pepper, which gives it the final flavor.
Then having the chicken cooked in this way, the best way to accompany it is the boiled cassava, which once peeled, that is, the skin is removed, because it is a tuber, then it is washed well and put to boil, once soft, the water is removed and in this way it is ready to be tasted.
So it is friends as I told you, chicken is one of our preference in a variety of foods, but cooked like this and with cassava the truth came out very rich.
A new style of cooking chicken with cassava is a wonderful recipe, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story.