If you were a girl of just 14 years old and faced with an alternate reality, a kind of truth poser, you would spend countless hours socializing from the cold glass of a low-end Mac Pro. You would have 4682 friends and 1 that you just banned for writing you a strange text accompanied by a small disfigured image (it's just a bad image that you can't appreciate at all, small worm that causes you some disgust and uneasiness).
You will have the feeling that if you turn off the PC you are disconnecting from the real world, that your heart has been connected to thick wires that keep you barely alive.
But not everything is as fascinating as it seems, sometimes when she wanders between the two worlds (real and virtual) it has seemed to her that she is being watched, a figure that has no shape, only a shadow that moves in the same direction. It seems to be her imagination but no, her insecurity is almost palpable.
Her world as a child is transforming into new and risky tasks that she must fulfill to be popular, she is part of a success that takes her away from known people. Her new friends are frivolous. They leave her little broken hearts and smudged faces.
Her strange friend has set her the ultimate challenge. She must go alone to a faraway place. He promises to make her popular. Fulfill dreams and goals on social media.
About twenty minutes ago she is in this dreary park, at the corner for a car with darkened windows. His friend writes to him and leaves him a happy face. The headlights flash several times.
She gets into the car and it is only a memory, a fleeting photo of a missing girl.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Si fueras una niña de apenas 14 años y te enfrentas a una realidad alternativa, a una especie de poso de la verdad, pasarías incontables horas socializando desde el frio cristal de un Mac Pro de gama baja. Tendrías 4682 amigos y 1 que acabas de banear por escribirte un texto extraño acompañado de una pequeña imagen desfigurada (solo es una mala imagen que no se puede apreciar para nada, pequeña lombriz que le provoca algo de asco e intranquilidad).
Tendrás la sensación de que si apagas la PC estás desconectándote del verdadero mundo, que el corazón te lo han conectado a unos cables gruesos que te mantienen apenas con vida.
Pero no todo es tan fascinante como parece, en ocasiones cuando deambula por entre los dos mundos (real y virtual) le ha parecido que la observan, una figura que no tiene forma, solo una sombra que se traslada en su misma dirección. Parece que es su imaginación pero no, casi es palpable su inseguridad.
Su mundo de niña se va trasformando en nuevas y riesgosas tareas que debe cumplir para ser popular, es parte de un éxito que la aleja de personas conocidas. Sus nuevos amigos son frívolos. Le dejan pequeños corazones partidos y caritas manchadas.
Su extraño amigo le ha puesto el reto final. Debe ir sola a un lugar alejado. Le promete hacerla popular. Cumplir sueños y metas en redes sociales.
Hace unos veinte minutos está en este parque lóbrego, en la esquina para un carro con los cristales oscuros. Su amigo le escribe y le deja una carita feliz. Los faros parpadean varias veces.
Se monta en el carro y ya solo es un recuerdo, una foto fugaz de una niña desaparecida.