Best regards, my dear community of Cervantes and all the talented hiveramigos who make life in it publishing authentic and interesting content. On this occasion, I want to share with you aspects inherent to our body and thoughts, relating the former as a result of the latter.

I think that one way to easily understand how thoughts and emotions have a decisive influence on the body is to take stress as an example. We start to get stressed when a worry takes over our mind; sometimes, it is an accumulation of situations that overwhelm us and focus our thoughts in their direction, gradually increasing in frequency and magnitude.
This context of negative thoughts ends up being reflected in diseases, in various unfavorable diagnoses that, by giving them space and energy, attract more of the same. Just as stress is generated and nourished by negative thoughts, can't the process be reversed with a good dose of the opposite? I am fully convinced that yes, my own experiences and medical arguments certify it.

On one occasion, I experienced strong neuropathic pain and the only thing that calmed such pain was a medication from the opioid group that, when taken for a certain amount of time, tends to cause dependency. My health crisis lasted for several months (I kept my thoughts focused on how bad I felt, it was more emotional than physical; today I know) and the neurologist told my relatives that I should suspend the medication in question because it was harming me ; To tell the truth, I only woke up to ask them to bring me the pill with the respective glass of water.
My family decided to change the medication pill for a vitamin supplement indicated by the doctor; After all, I didn't focus my attention on the physical pill I was taking, my mind only considered what would calm my pain, make me sleep and that's it. I never felt the difference between the effect of the opioid and the vitamin supplement, for me; the analgesic-relaxant effect provided was the same.
This in curative medicine is known as the placebo effect; believe in your mind that what you take will heal you and you will receive what you think. In my case, the vitamin supplement had no influence on my pain, but my mind was convinced that it did and it did indeed happen.
Of course, nothing is totally radical; the placebo can act together with conventional medicine in a harmonic way; in fact, I think that's the ideal. I really like a statement made by Dr John Dermartini in the book "The Secret" by RHONDA BYRNE:.
”Si padeces una enfermedad grave y optas por solo investigar cual ha sido el factor psicológico que te la ha provocado, en lugar de utilizar la medicina clásica, es posible que ello te cause la muerte. Evidentemente es aconsejable que tomes medicación a la vez que indagas en la causa psicológica. En ningún caso se debe renegar de la medicina. Toda forma de sanación tiene su lugar”
”If you suffer from a serious illness and you choose to only investigate what has been the psychological factor that has caused it, instead of using classical medicine, it is possible that it will cause your death. Obviously it is advisable that you take medication while investigating the psychological cause. In no case should medicine be denied. Every form of healing has its place.
As stated by Dr. Demartini, it would be irresponsible to distort medical science, not in vain it has had a successful evolution in the cure of so many diseases and the control of many others; Even managing to neutralize the pain through classical medicine, the thoughts can focus more strongly on attracting healing.

In the same order of ideas, another element stands out in the context of alternative healing; Laughter has positioned itself as a fundamental link to achieve healing through the release of endorphins and happy thoughts to banish disease from our body.
It was experienced by Norman Cousin and Cathy Godman, in their testimonies in the aforementioned book. They were both diagnosed with cancer and they decided to heal on their own, without chemotherapy or radiation.
One of the things they put into practice was watching funny movies and laughing non-stop at everything, no stressful situations; within the third month of their diagnoses, they had been miraculously healed for the doctors. In the most important oncology in my country, Venezuela; They are using laughter therapy for cancer treatment, especially in children for whom laughing is part of their essence, and there are very good results in this regard. This may sound a bit hollow to many, but believe me it is not far fetched and has solid foundations.
What you concentrate on grows, if you concentrate in abundance, you will receive the same; if you concentrate on health, that you will receive; in short, fill yourself with positive thoughts, focus on what you want and that you will attract for your life.

La imagen con su fuente señalada es cortesia de Pexels, uso gratuito. El resto, me pertenecen, tomadas con el dispositivo Motorola G1 y mi archivo personal de fotos
The image with its indicated source is courtesy of Pexels, free use. The rest belong to me, taken with the Motorola G1 device and my personal photo archive
Excelente publicación amiga querida me agrado leerte y sobre todo ver esas hermosas fotografías.
Todo lo que nos has compartido es de mucho aprendizaje y para crecer me agrado esta parte de tu texto.
Dicen por ahí que somos lo que llamamos entonces llamemos solo las cosas positivas y bonita que la vida tiene para nosotros.
Si mi estimada @santamorillo, principios basados en la ley de la atraccion. Llenarnos de pensamientos positivos nada nos cuesta. Saludos y Bendiciones!!