espero se encuentren muy bien
He estado bastante perdida pero vuelvo con mucho entusiasmo, amor y sobre con muchas ganas y pasión de escribir para ustedes. Hoy hablaremos de un tema muy importante, en sí son las reacciones a nuestros estímulos externos ante cualquier situación, que a su vez son responsables de decisiones y vivencias de nuestros día a día ,hablo de las EMOCIONES y la importancia de tener una buena salud emocional.
I have been quite lost but I come back with a lot of enthusiasm, love and above all with a lot of desire and passion to write for you. Today we will talk about a very important topic, it is the reactions to our external stimuli in any situation, which in turn are responsible for decisions and experiences of our day to day, I speak of the EMOTIONS and the importance of having a good emotional health.
La salud emocional es fundamental para el bienestar y la felicidad de una persona. Si bien a menudo prestamos atención a la salud física, la salud emocional es igual de importante, ya que puede afectar nuestra calidad de vida de manera significativa. Una de las claves para una salud emocional óptima es EL AMOR. Hago mucho énfasis aquí, el amarnos y aceptarnos tal y como somos es esencial para el bienestar emocional. A su vez el amor o querer que otros nos profesen, o la conexión con otros seres humanos es una necesidad básica para nuestra especie. El amor puede provenir de diversas fuentes, como la familia, los amigos, la pareja o incluso los animales de compañía. Al tener una red de apoyo emocional sólida, es más fácil superar los desafíos y mantener una actitud positiva hacia la vida.
Emotional health is critical to a person's well-being and happiness. While we often pay attention to physical health, emotional health is just as important, as it can affect our quality of life significantly. One of the keys to optimal emotional health is LOVE. I emphasize here, loving and accepting ourselves as we are is essential to emotional well-being. In turn love or wanting others to love us, or connection with other human beings is a basic need for our species. Love can come from a variety of sources, such as family, friends, partners or even pets. By having a strong emotional support network, it is easier to overcome challenges and maintain a positive outlook on life.
El amor propio incluye el reconocimiento de nuestras fortalezas y debilidades, y el aprendizaje de cómo aceptar y amar cada aspecto de nosotros mismos. Al tener una relación amorosa con nosotros mismo, es más fácil encontrar la felicidad y el bienestar interior. Además del amor, es importante reconocer la importancia de las emociones en el bienestar emocional. A menudo, se nos enseña a reprimir nuestras emociones, lo cual puede ser perjudicial a largo plazo. En lugar de reprimirlas, es importante permitirnos sentir nuestras emociones y expresarlas de manera saludable. Al reconocer nuestras emociones y expresarlas, es más fácil encontrar una sensación de equilibrio y bienestar emocional.
Self-love includes recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, and learning how to accept and love every aspect of ourselves. By having a loving relationship with ourselves, it is easier to find happiness and inner well-being. In addition to love, it is important to recognize the importance of emotions in emotional well-being. Often, we are taught to repress our emotions, which can be detrimental in the long run. Instead of repressing them, it is important to allow ourselves to feel our emotions and express them in a healthy way. By acknowledging our emotions and expressing them, it is easier to find a sense of emotional balance and well-being.
Otra forma de mejorar la salud emocional es a través del cuidado personal. incluye actividades como el ejercicio regular, la alimentación saludable, el sueño adecuado y el tiempo dedicado a actividades que nos gustan. Al dedicar tiempo y energía a nuestro cuidado personal, nos estamos diciendo a nosotros mismos que merecemos amor y respeto. Esto puede mejorar nuestra autoestima y, por ende nuestra salud emocional.
Another way to improve emotional health is through self-care. This includes activities such as regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep and time spent on activities we enjoy. By devoting time and energy to our self-care, we are telling ourselves that we deserve love and respect. This can improve our self-esteem and thus our emotional health.

En conclusión, la salud emocional es fundamental para nuestra felicidad y bienestar general. El amor, el cuidado personal y el reconocimiento, la expresión y cuidado de nuestras emociones son algunas de las claves para lograr una salud emocional óptima. Al cuidar nuestra salud emocional, estamos creando una base sólida para una vida llena de alegría y satisfacción. Recuerda todo a tu tiempo y medida. A veces nos exigimos tanto que terminamos frustrados o con amargura sin eso que realizamos o anhelamos no se da por esos Permítete sentir y conocer tus emociones y por supuesto amate sin medidas. Espero termines de pasar un hermoso fin de semana un abrazo.
In conclusion, emotional health is fundamental to our happiness and overall well-being. Love, self-care and recognition, expression and nurturing of our emotions are some of the keys to achieving optimal emotional health. By taking care of our emotional health, we are creating a solid foundation for a life filled with joy and fulfillment. Remember everything in your own time and measure. Sometimes we demand so much of ourselves that we end up frustrated or bitter if the things we want to achieve or long for don't happen because we don't know our emotions and of course, love without measure. I hope you end up having a beautiful weekend, a hug.
nuevamente ¡gracias por tu apoyo Un fuerte abrazo!
See you in my next publication,
thanks again for your support A big hug!
El contenido es 100% de mi autoría ,debo resaltar que la información que plasmo es totalmente mía ,son mis apuntes y aprendisajes a lo largo de mi carrera (Enfermería)
Fotografías desde mi teléfono moto E4 plus
las ediciones de mis diseños
The content is 100% of my own authorship, I must emphasize that the information that I present is entirely my own, they are my notes and learning throughout my career (Nursing).
Photographs from my moto E4 plus phone
*editions of my designs
- Translator

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There is reasonable evidence that this article is machine-generated. Posting such content is considered fraud.
Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.
Guide: Why and How People Abuse and Defraud
If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.
I have reasonable evidence that the comment you keep spamming is machine generated. Posting such content is considered fraud:
It says 86% human-generated. It means that it is not machine-generated.
I don't know what kind of detector you are using but in any legit detector, there needs to be at least 1,000 characters input to check.
Oh, my arbitrarily chosen threshold was 90% (which you failed); yours is lower.
Please don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate that there are "watchers" for scammers and spammers and plagiarizers and kiddy pron and the rest of the stuff that would make the chain trash (and/or illegal) and I absolutely agree that passing off AI generated text or images as one's own is identical to plagiarism.
However, this is a battle you're never going to win and you're using your time and energy (admittedly finite) fighting it (so necessarily spending less on proper abuse).
I think you're painfully aware of the community's reaction to you, but you have dug in your heels.
For my two cents , I think you're more likely to end up unjustly bullying people over this than doing any real benefit for the chain.
The threshold that we consider for something to be AI-generated is at least a 90% probability average across multiple detectors. We also look at the structure and clues in the post as we know that even AI detectors can be prone to errors just as any other tool and can give false positives.
You guys are straight up out of control. Good luck, you're losing the support of many.
At this point, your behavior is so beyond the pale that I'm having to go in behind you and apologize for your bullying.
Since a few days ago, no one has been outright blacklisted when caught for AI. The accounts end up blacklisted if they are caught again. I don't understand what is your commotion about.