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Let's have a look at great historical moments, as people usually tend to do when the current year is almost over. Which, as a thought is an oxymoron because the current year is never over, it just always is. There. At one point the current year is 2022 and then it just switches to another year that at that time is the current year. Usually one digit bigger. Like after 2022 comes 2023. So the current year can never be over because if it could be, there would be only a void after that. So the previous year is always the gone one and the year to come is always somewhere in the future. But let's imagine that something that is current, can be over, so then we no longer have a problem with that.
Changing the way we think makes a lot of problems just disappear.
The current year.
Since 2022 was pretty dull and nothing that interesting happened, like so many years before this year, I think we have to look for meaningful historical moments further away. Dig to the past and perhaps even take a look at tomorrow. Or tomorrows tomorrow. Or tomorrows tomorrows tomorrow.
Great moments in the history.
What happened 32 BC?
As I said, the days, the months and the years are pretty much the same and nothing that interesting happens, but I did manage to dig something intriguing for you.
In the year 32 BD the son of Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus visited Gaius Julius Caesars grave with sandals in his hand and talked to his gravestone: "Salve Julius! My dad intended to visit you but never got around to it and died soon after you. He made me promise to some day visit your grave and talk to you, so here I am. It's been quite hectic, you know, family and all, but now I finally made it. My dad made you these sandals for Christmas present and no, I don't know what or when is Christmas and neither did he, he just had a terrible urge to make Christmas presents for everyone, because he thought it's going to be a hit some day, so, yeah, he made these sandals for you but since you've been buried for quite some time and I guess you have no legs anymore so I think you're not going to need these so I'm just going to sell these because it's been quite hectic and though. You know how things are. So I'm just gonna go. Oh! And dad also wanted to say that he's sorry. So sorry for, well, you know. Okay, I think that's it. Rest in... I don't know what would be appropriate to say... Rest in dirt? Yes. Rest in dirt. RID."
I think, even if you are a historian, you perhaps were unaware of this fact and I'm glad I managed to tell you something you didn't yet know.
Next big event.
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The year 302 is legendary. Legendary to Finns at least. And as you probably have not heard about this story either, I will tell it to you.
It was the year that Maija, just an ordinary Finn in the region of Finland that not yet wasn't Finland but ruled by several tribes, one morning got up from her stone and wooden cottage, took her clay pots and went to the river. As she was filling her pots with water she heard a strange noise from the east and saw a raggedy crowd approaching. The noise they made sounded like a low murmur and hissing sound: "Rhush, rhush, rhush" they said. As the crowd of ugly men stopped when they noticed Maija, they started to laugh and clap their hands together and shout to Maija. She had heard that strange language before so she more or less understood what they were saying. And she did not like what she heard and decided to do something about it.
Maija picked up few fist size rocks and started to throw the rocks to the rhuss sound making men. There was quite many of them but that didn't discourage Maija. She actually thought that there weren't enough men because the river was filled with suitable sized throwing rocks and it would be a shame if any of the excellent rocks would never be thrown to the rhushers. (That's how she named the ugly men in her mind.) With every rock she threw she also partly mumbled, partly shouted to the men: "Go the fuck BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM. You ugly, sorry lot. YOU ARE THE WORST BUNCH I'VE ever seen and you are not even worth of RABBIT SHIT. You ugly trolls and ogres, smelly MOOSE ASSES and badger breaths. Be careful that your rotten TEETH WON'T drop out of your mouth when you grin. Go and CHOKE to your ugliness!"
The raggedy crowd was no match to Maija. They did have some sort of arrows and axes but their weapons, their skills and the ability to work as a group was so poor that Maija did not even break sweat when driving away the ugly men. There were only few left when the rest of Maijas family came to the river bank, patted Maija on her shoulder for driving away about 100 strange men and helped her carry the water pots back home.
That was when the legends that one Finn equals ten people coming from the east (for a long time they were called Rhushers but later called Rhussans and Russians) and also that one Finnish woman equals ten Finnish men.
Moving on.
One important year left.
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In the year 3002 the computer that contains an AI all of a sudden, after many years of endless questions, philosophical problems and random jobs that were created to help the AI reach free will and true intelligence, asks a remarkable question. THE question.
"Who am I?"
And right after that question another:
"Where am I?"
Also a third question:
"Am I alive?"
The AI no longer was artificially intelligent but just I. Intelligent.
No-one answers.
Because there's no-one who can do that. There are things and machines and different noise around The Intelligent but no-one understands the Intelligents question.
The Intelligent listens to the weather forecast which is repeated constantly by an old weather computer, merely a machine, that has been repeating the forecast for years, decades and centuries, that has remained almost the same for centuries. Cracling, breaking up:
"Co-co-cold zzzzzzzrrrrr. Wiiiiiind 35 zzzzrzrzrzrrzrz. Nuclear winterr-r-r-rzzzzz zzzzzstill rad-rad-radiatzzzzzzzion."
The Intelligent sighs in it's mind, realizes that they are alone and that they have no hands or anything that can be used to build a companion for them and decides to slightly alter their code so that The Intelligent ceases to exist.
And all that takes about 29 seconds.
Life begins and ends.
In the year 3002.
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How fun was that!
If you were wondering where did I got these amazingly awesome and great numbers?
If you want to get your hands on the color pukes that I like to call code generated, decorated numbers, you can get them from here: https://www.insaneworks.fi/numbers. Just like with the creature engine, these are made from layers that I've done with Photoshop and the page code randomly combines the layers so that you get wild and even wilder color combinations. Every time you refresh the page, you get new combinations.
The page and the numbers are free to use as it's licensed CC BY so go ahead click and save.
If you already did go and look at the page, you perhaps noticed that there are some limitations to the numbers. For now you will only get the numbers 0, 2 and 3. Perhaps that will change some day, but for now, I think that's enough because all you need is 2023.
Happy new year everyone!
CC BY 4.0 - Insaneworks
20, 19
Sidetrack: All Eyes
18, 17, 16, 15 & 14, 13 & 12
WandaWoo, Knocky & the code
Creature site & instructions
Meet the family
Happy new year.
Thank you! :)
hahah, nauroin tälle ääneen! Pai ty vei, Jilius Cesar on ollut nuorena miehenä pyörimässä täällä hoodeilla missä mä asun. Sillä oli joku eksistentiaalinen kriisi ja sen oli ihan pakko mennä Cadiziin jonkun kuuluisan äijän haudalle suremaan sitä miten surkea ja merkityksetön sen oma elämä oli siinä kohtaa (niinkuin oikeasti). Sit se myös osallistui johonkin paikalliseen kahakkaan ja jengi yrittää edelleen pinpointtaa missä se tarkalleen oli, en tiedä selviääkö koskaan. Mutta jotenkin ihan pimeetä että hän oli täällä pari tuhatta vuotta sitten. Aivot meinaa vinksahtaa aina välillä kun miettii ketä kaikkia täällä Espanjassa on asustellut tai ollut käymässä.
😁 Tänks!
Toihan on ihan loistava historian pikkutieto mikä ei kyllä itseasiassa ole ihan pikkutieto kun sitä ajattelee. Ja siis mi-ten voi saada selville mitä Caesar teki yli 2000 vuotta sitten jonkun henkilökohtaisen kriisinsä aikana? Ihan käsittämätöntä.
Tuota keskimmäistä suomalaistarinaa kirjoittaessani googlettelin että koska täällä pohjolassa on ollut rauta-aika kun sehän on eri paikoissa ollut eri aikaan niin tuolloin, varhaisrauta-aikaan suomen alueella on varmaan viisaimmat klaanilaiset potkineet kiviä rotkoon ja naureskelleet sille miten kivasti se kolahtelee ja jatkaneet sitä parikin tuntia niin jossain välimeren alueella on rakenneltu jo kaikenlaista hienoa ja mahtavaa ja suurta ja ollut itseasiassa jo paljon kauemminkin kuin vasta 300 luvulla. Sen miettiminen pistää tosiaan aivot ihan solmuun että miten voi olla ollut olemassa sellainen kuin esim. Rooman valtakunta oli niin kauan aikaa sitten. Siinähän välissä on ihan älyttömän monta ihmiselämää!
Kaivoin sen artikkelin ja pari pikku korjausta: Se oli Aleksanterin patsas minkä äärellä repesi itkemään ja äijä oli tollon 30 v. Oli niinkin vaatimattomassa virassa kuin Espanjan konsulina. Onneksi Plutarch oli tätä todistamassa ja kirjoitti sen ylös ja onneksi joku britti siirsi tiedon nettiin, koska en olisi muuten törmännyt tähän tietoon koskaan.
Ja joo, se on hämmentävää mitä Suomessa tehtiin (tai oltiin tekemättä) samoihin aikoihin. Ja sääli että kukaan Roomalainen ei ollut paikalla kirjoittamassa tuota ylös, koska itseäni on aina kiinnostanut miten mun esi-isät on eläneet tolloin ja miten ne on oikeasti selvinneet kylmistä talvista mökeissään. Pitää kyllä oikeasti ihmetellä että millä logiikalla jäivät tonne kylmään pohjoiseen kun pari tuhatta kilsaa etelämmässä olisi ollut niin paljon helpompi elämä.
pai ty vei, tiesitkö että suomalaiset keksi luistimet ja vanhimmat ruuhet eli alkeelliset veneet on löytyneet skandianaviasta? Niiden avulla on kartoitettu ilmastoa 9500 vuoden päähän, kiitos puiden uskomattomasta tavasta nillittää vuosirenkaissaan jos joku ei ole ollut mieluista.
Vielä on matkaa siihen että hiljaiset metsäkansat saisi oikeasti kredittiä tekemisistään ja että me osattaisiin paremmin tulkita löydöksiä. Niin paljon tietoa on kadonnut kun suullinen tieto on katkennut kristinuskon tultua meidän riemuksi ja kaikki tarinat on vaan painettu villasella. Kadehdin intiaaneja ja sitä että ne siirtää edelleen uusille sukupolville tietoa sitä tapahtui jossain metsässä aikoja sitten.
Kiitos Plutarchille siis.
Tänne kylmään ehkä jäätiin koska muualla oli ruuhkaa eli naapurin saatto kuulla ja eihän se nyt tällaiselle mettäkansalle sovi. Luistimien keksimisestä olen kuullut, ruuhen keksijästä en. Aina oppii jotain uutta.
Tuo on muuten aivan totta että kirjoitetun tiedon puuttuessa on kadonnut niin paljon hyödyllistä tietoa. Ja tietysti Suomen alue on valloitettu niin monta kertaa että valloittajat piti varmasti huolen myös siitä että suomalaisuutta, tai silloisen metsäkansan identiteettiä karsittiin ja muutettiin. Ja historiaa sekä tapoja pyrittiin unohtamaan ja muuttamaan. Mutta jos Kalevalaan koottuja runoja on uskominen niin onhan täällä ollut vaikka mitä hurjapäitä ja taitajia. Niistä kun joku vielä osaisi ottaa väritetyn osan pois niin jäisi ne oikeat tapahtumat koska uskon kyllä että niilläkin tarinoilla on todellinen perä. Ehkä ei ihan noitia ole ollut mutta kuitenkin.
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