Zero 2 Hero Challenge - Day 21 + Week 3 summary

in Splinterlands3 years ago

From Zero to Hero.png

Challenge Goal

  • From Novice to Diamond until the end of the year.
  • With 0 investment except for the spellbooks, obviously.
  • No renting allowed.
  • In case I fail, I'll liquidate all assets and donate everything to a charity of the community's choosing.


Week 3 summary:

This concludes week 3 of the challenge.

WeekNet WorthDifference

The Chaos Legion pack giveaways and blog post rewards jumpstarted this week's net worth growth. I hope I can even sustain the absolute growth sum next week. Not even trying to dream about sustaining the percentage growth rate. Nearly 10x'ing last week's account worth is amazing. Don't know if I should count the Hive Power into my account worth, too. If you have an opinion on it, please tell me in the comments.

I achieved all my week 2 goals, so I have to up my goals for week 3. Definitely have to keep up my postings goals, 7 daily posts + 2 weekly battle challenges are my target. CP wise I think 5k might be an extremely tough, but potentially achievable goal.

Guess what? I did and I didn't achieve the goal at the same time. Obviously, I only have 2,310 cp currently. Which is less than 5k, but if I would liquidate everything and bough the cheapest cp/$ cards. I would be at roughly 7k power. I think we should call it a draw.

Hmm so let's make the goal for the next week a little more clear and attainable. First of all, I'm continuing with the daily format, so it probably doesn't make sense to explicitly state those daily posts as a goal. The 5k goal on the other hand is staying. It even gets a really high priority and this time around no draws are possible. I want to finish the Season in Bronze 1, I mean it should be pretty easy. Since I established earlier, I could be there if I had to be. Maintaining the 2 weekly splinterlands challenge posts and finishing them earlier this time, like 1 day after the post. In addition to those, I'm thinking about adding a weekly strategy post. I want to trade a lot more this week. That's why I'm aiming to create 1k DEC profit from trading this week. Last but not least I'm going for the difficult to attain target of 150$ account value by the end of the week.


Just in time, before I started this article my buy order for a Corpse Fiend finally came through. That completes my death deck for Bronze League. The only card I would be interested in adding would be Djinn Muirat. But I feel I don't have enough use cases for him in bronze. That's why I postponed that purchase until I reach Silver 3. The next focus will be water with Djinn Oshannus.


Today's quest was with the death splinter. Since death is by far my best splinter, it didn't give me any problems. Grinded down my ECR afterward.

24 Credits as a reward, decent opening.



Nothing to report, yet.

Last 7 days of trading:

DateTradeProfit in DEC


Today's Blogging Conversion:

Blogging rewards are slowing down a bit. But still, 350 DEC is nothing to sneeze at.


Thanks, everyone for upvoting my daily posts and helping me earn those DEC for my challenge. You guys are awesome.


Previous Posts:

Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 1


Goal for the week:

2,310/5000 collection power
7/7 posts
2/2 weekly battle challenge (Guide counts like a battle challenge for me)



CPCard ValueCreditsDECSPSCHAOSALotionLotion
AmountHPTotal DEC Earnings
Trading16 days-1613.10 DEC
Blogging13 days9.3336530.244 DEC
Chests25 chests-656.509 DEC
Giveaway41 giveaways-4256 DEC
Battle Reward--2.836 DEC



WinrateWinLossLongest StreakMax RatingCurrent Rating


Dayof DaysCPCP requiredCP Pace forward
213472,310250,000759.79 CP/day


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I say count the Hive Power as part of your account worth. It's all part of the same pool and liquid if you did need it.

You are right, only the liquid part might be a argueable.

Curious if you could go into a bit more depth of your trading strategy. This seems efficient an could really be a boost to a new player. Thanks