Support Buffs versus Damage Dominance

in Splinterlands2 months ago

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Hello to everyone and the Splinterlands community. My fight experience in the Modern rank max level is highlighted Support Buffs versus Damage Dominance in today's blog. As you know, the support Buffs strategy is a unique line-up to deploy additional support to a certain units, such as five or six units with several buffs or debuffs. This strategy can be countered using the Sneak and Scattershot abilities. While damage dominance, in my understanding of this battle experiences, is more or less focused on attacking a single opponent unit to make it easy, for it to execute at least one unit in one round, other strategies may be used to oppose this tactic, such as surprise attacks that take advantage of the opportunity. Please take note that this is only my assumtion approach for certain rule sets and previous opponent battles.


The modern league offers great potential in grinding out splintershards, leaderboards, some fundamental line-up strategies at a reasonable cost, and the ability to play your modern cards. With my experience grinding with max-level modern cards. I will apply some basic and cheap yet useful strategy cards. Although expensive cards are stronger, I will try to win and find ways to counter them.

Link of the Battle Modern Tournament:



My Simple Plan Line up

Summoner - Possibilus the Wise

  • I pick this summoner as I plan to use my Diemonshark or Arkemis the Bear in first position and Coastal Sentry in second position to utilize the Reach ability on this summoner. Adds 2 health, Trample ability, and Reach ability to all friendly units.

First position - Harklaw

  • Take on the role of the tank in first position, with a high probability of surviving the majority of rounds due to your enormous health, armor, and helpful skills like a Trample when this unit kills and hit the target it will attack again in next unit of the opponent first position, Rage that will boosts 50% Melee damage and Speed of this unit, and Retaliate which a chance to retaliate and attack the opponent unit it hits.

Second position - Coastal Sentry

  • Act as main Melee damage because of Double Strike ability which can attack twice with 5 melee damage, and Piercing ability which the remainder will damage the targets health. I cant utilize Knock ability of this unit since I don't have a certain unit that has stun except Igor Darkspear.

Third position - Wave Brood

  • Acts as a Taunt to those Range, Magic, and Sneak melee attack. I use this because there is a Noxious Fumes which takes 2 damage to all units per round and I want to survive the rest of my units line up.

Fourth position - Merdhampir

  • Additional attack range damage with 3 range damage, Life Leech, Cripple, and Snare.

Fifth position - Angelic Mandarin

  • I can combo this unit with Wave Brood since it has Triage Ability that can heal that
    has taken most of the attacks of the opponent. This my support unit with healing capabilities.

Last position - Swamp Spitter

  • Another support unit of my strategy with 4 range damage, Repair, and Giant Killer ability. This can be main damage because of Giant Killer if the opponent uses Arkermis the Bear or more than 10 mana cost unit which can double damage of this unit range attack.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Will my strategy line up work?

The opponent uses Possibilus the Wise summoner which is also the same as mine but different unit use, and it is quite interesting since the opponent didn't utilize the use of Reach ability of this summoner except the additional health. The opponent seems to have many support units especially the Grimbardun Smith which is pretty strong in terms of tanking and can survive in Noxious Fumes rule set and it has Anasth Sootsayer
as healing to Grimbardun Smith and Moxian Rebel that can give 2 magic attack of non attack adjacent to this unit. It is support buffs from the opponent while I use damage dominance in the battle.


I was able to execute the opponent Wave Brood and I think I can win this match considering I have more damage boost from my Diemonshark and Coastal Sentry.


I easily won this match with my strategy using Diemonshark and Coastal Sentry water element in Noxious Fumes, Aim True, and Lost Legendaries rule set.

What could we learn from this strategy?

As I evaluate the match, notice that the opponent Magic attacks and Range attacks are so little damage and it is not even executes my Wave Brood, It lacks damage, I believe that the opponent expect the Grimbardun Smith will carry but it is not enough, and it will be the battle of endurance which is not Im using the strategy. Theres a bit luck on my side if I utilize the use of support buffs strategy I think I might lose.

In a modern format max-level competition, the opponent could have a superior card, but I still win with my set of modern strategies. Consider rules and the opponent's past performance as you examine and assess the potential lineup you wish to utilise. Remember that in order to employ efficient strategies, you must analyse your opponent's lineup, combine cards with abilities that are beneficial for the relevant rule sets, and arrange them in favourable positions.

Please feel free to visit my other blog, which uses the Water element, one that I frequently use. I hope this will assist you in the battle. This is another straightforward tactic, but it can be useful for some battles in the Death line-up element. 😊


Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121