Hey Guys!
Beginner's Tourney # 15 has concluded! Thank you everyone for participating. Here are the results.
Top 10

1st. place: @maplelicious
2nd. place: @voidwalk
3rd. place: @aubryd
4th. place: @mondroid
5th. place: @sakuraba
6th. place: @ghostlybg
7th. place: @donma
8th. place: @heimdal
9th. place: @bryanlz8764
10th. place: @hestia0914
Congratulations to all winners!

Bonus Prize Winners
These 2 Random participants got Level 1 Serpent of Eld (RARE)
@ogaming7 and @morlorwong

and these 10 Random participants got Level 1 Sniping Narwhal (COMMON)
@chestnut13, @quaye, @ygramul, @hannes-stoffel, @krakops, @extrarice2, @weeareus, @mcfishface, @cairojohn, and @stoma

Congratulation to the lucky bonus prize winners!

Beginner's Tourney # 16 Announcement
The next tourney is already available for sign-ups, so let's take a quick overview.
Tournament Rules:

1st Place: 300 DEC
2nd Place: 200 DEC
3rd-4th Place: 100 DEC
5-15 Place: 75 DEC
15-40 Place: 50 DEC
41-80 Place 25 DEC
To JOIN the tournament CLICK here!

Bonus Prizes
Every participant that enters this tournament has an equal chance to win one bonus prize. It doesn't matter how well you perform in the event, you win the whole tournament or place last there is always an equal chance to get the bonus reward.
To add a little spice, this time rewards are from the set... DICE (hehe):
2 Random participants will get: Level 1 Qid Yuff (RARE)

and other 10 Random participants will get: Level 1 Frost Lion (COMMON)

Loyalty System
Today, I'm gonna lay out some details about this system I want to develop to further reward players coming back to these tournaments and participating in these posts.
How to Participate:
One important thing to do before you are eligible to participate in the Loyalty System. Just leave a comment under the latest tournament post. You need to do this only ONCE. I want to rule out some of those bots that only auto-pilot through tournaments and reward actual players.
How to Earn points:
Rules are going to be very simple. For every tournament participation, you will get 1 LP (loyalty point), If you finish in the top 10 you get 1 extra LP.
You can earn a point by sharing a battle from the latest Beginner Tourney. I'll pick 5 battles that will earn an LP for both players involved. Share your battles in the comment section below
Winners of the bonus prizes that are participating in the Loyalty system "gain" -1 LP every time they win a card.
Loyalty Reward Structure
Keep in mind that this is something I'll experiment with over time and things will change, I'll be adding and removing available rewards but I'll try to stick with the structure as long as it makes sense to me and I can afford it. So the structure currently looks like this:
# | Reward | Loyalty Point Cost |
1. | Chaos Legion Pack | 100 LP |
2. | Random CL Summoner card (excluding legendaries) | 90 LP |
3. | Random CL Epic card | 50 LP |
4. | Random CL rare card (excluding summoners) | 10 LP |
5. | Random CL common card | 5 LP |
To redeem rewards you need to comment on the most recent tournament post with "I want to redeem reward # X times." for example "I want to redeem reward 4. 5 times (essentially redeeming 5 random rares)

LP Board
The board continues getting bigger every week. Welcome newcomers!
Still, some people refuse to read the posts thoroughly and comment on my older post to join. Guys, that doesn't help me too much :P Sorry if you were some of those people and didn't end up on the board, we will fix that, just comment if you are one of those people. I'm gonna keep this reminder forever I think. xD
Added LP Gain Opportunity:
As of today, I'm removing a bonus LP for sharing tournament posts. But also, I'm adding
another way for you to earn an extra LP, by sharing your battles from Beginner Tourneys.
Every week I will pick 5 battles that you guys share and reward both players from the battle
with 1 LP, although the same participant can't get more than 1 point per week from this.
You can share your battles in form of a comment or create a post about it just like you would
for the Splinterlands Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge posts. If you only share your battle through a comment, tell us why do you find this battle funny, interesting, or whatever.
Which battles are rewarded is ultimately my decision but you guys may sway me of course :D
One more thing. This time you can share a battle from any past Beginner Tourneys but
going forward, I'll consider only battles from the most recent one.
I welcome every feedback and idea for the development of the loyalty system, please share your thought in the comments below. You might've noticed that I trimmed down some DEC prices, to help me run this system sustainably, any extra support like sending DEC to my account, voting, sharing my post, etc. is highly appreciated

GIF by @splinterlands
To enhance your Splinterlands gameplay and win rate, try out this tool called Splintertool
To find out more about this look at my previous post about this tool.
Beware, the tool will get affected by recent changes in Splinterlands but most of the features will work fine, also more features are coming. Still, a really useful tool to have at your disposal.
If you don't want to miss these tournaments, join our guild discord, under section ZELLS CORNER AND TOURNEYS, you can follow a channel where I announce all my tourneys. See ya there!
Thank you for reading!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Here is my own battle sharing.
That's cool man. But only battle played in Beginner's Tourney can qualify.
Forgot to leave a comment here last time! Hope I can finish again in the Top 10!
Kudos to z3ll for this wonderful Tourney! Keep it up!
My battle for sharing:
I chose this one because it shows a failed attempt to out-smart one of the regulars on the top of the tournament. I had to battle him twice, and lost both. But this battle is more meaningful for beginners because we both used Chaos Legion summoners.
I tried to buff with Tarsa (since Melee only) and buffer with Ant Miners to remove the first attack, if they brought a Kelya with speed. I guessed the summoner correctly, but my method failed.
Next time, I hope.
Nice try. Although Kelya's +1 to armor is actually crazy strong in melee-only battles, especially in the Back to Basics ruleset. It's basically Divine Shield for most monsters.
Thank You z3ll. Great tournament. More to come.
As always great job @z3ll. Me not so much😂. I almost missed this one due to a camping trip. Spotie internet out in the wilderness fyi.
Haha oh man, sounds like you had a fun weekend nonetheless:D
Sure did! But I'm paying for it not as young as I used to be lol. Sleeping in a hammock is starting to get ruff. 😂
@z3ll , thanks again for doing all this work. I hope you have guild mates that are helping you out.
Also, since I'm at that level:
I want to redeem Reward 4, one time. Thanks boss!
You got a Regal Peryton! The card has already been sent your way :D
Yep, got it. Thanks again!
I'm going to take my first cash out.
I want to redeem reward 4 - 1 times.
Thanks for the continued tourneys
(1/1) gave you LUV.
wallet | market | tools | discord | community | <><
Cursed Windeku came up on the raffle. Already sent it your way! :D
Picked this battle because I was getting it handed to me for the first rounds. Forgotten One in the back pulled through for me as poison took care of the other team.
Didn't deserve the W, but I'll take it anyway.
Haha, the ultimate showcase of the power of Immunity in the poison ruleset. Gz :D
Thank you very much for the narwhal!
See you next time.
Congrats on the lucky pull man! :D
oh great.. i was so sad i didnt sent my line up for the last round coz i was up into other tournament and brawls. i fell asleep but will comeback better :D
Haha, yeah it tends to happen when you multitask.
I did well in this tournament, although if I had played better in the second round I would have been higher in the table...another thing, I was in the top 10, shouldn't I have 2 points? in the table I only have 1 point.
Oh, indeed, I'll fix that.
I will join the next tournament. I hope to place 10th or higher this time. Awesome tourney for newbies. Keep up the good work.
@dloflex I will be joining the upcoming tourney! Thanks for hosting these!
Hey,Z3ll! I finally decided to try a tournament. I am glad I dropped in. It looks like you have quite the following.
Well im lucky if I win. But I will share the hell out of how to loose with elegance!! Im fixn to tale the leader board over hommie!!!
hahaha, well, a losing battle can also qualify you for that point xD
Wow! Id love to win a Qid Yuff
Good luck :D
Thanks for doing these beginner tournaments. Really making me enjoy the game.
One of the best tournaments in splinterlands, keep going
huhu Iam 11th place. still raffle is zero hehe!Thanks again for the tournament its fun.
The unlucky streak continues, damn.
Wow! A summoner for the next bonus prize. Good luck to all participants, may the odd be ever in your favor!
Count me in!
Joining in the next challenge!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.