Hey Guys!
Beginner's Tourney # 11 has concluded! Thank you everyone for participating. Here are the results.
Top 10

1st. place: @vyse
2nd. place: @weeareus
3rd. place: @mondroid
4th. place: @madtribe
5th. place: @eman13088
6th. place: @davethegreat
7th. place: @yuexn
8th. place: @hoshikinsei
9th. place: @flamescorpion
10th. place: @hannes-stoffel
Congratulations to all winners!

Bonus Prize Winners
These 3 Random participants got Level 2 Merdaali Guardian (RARE)
@madtribe, @beaker007, and @lunchboxxx

and these 10 Random participants got Level 2 Stitch Leech (COMMON)
@snowboarderpete, @theshimmys, @avidez, @brutalmonkey, @kainzar, @heimdal, @burnsurface, @flamescorpion, @umbross, and @mattlafourcade

Congratulation to the lucky bonus prize winners!

Beginner's Tourney # 12 Announcement
The next tourney is already available for sign-ups, so let's take a quick overview.
Tournament Rules:

1st Place: 300 DEC
2nd Place: 200 DEC
3rd-4th Place: 100 DEC
5-15 Place: 75 DEC
15-40 Place: 50 DEC
41-80 Place 25 DEC
To JOIN the tournament CLICK here!

Bonus Prizes
Every participant that enters this tournament has an equal chance to win one bonus prize. It doesn't matter how well you perform in the event, you win the whole tournament or place last there is always an equal chance to get the bonus reward.
This time prizes are gonna be:
6 Random participants will get: Level 3 GOLD FOIL Pelacor Conjurer (COMMON)

and other 6 Random participants will get: Level 3 GOLD FOIL Pelacor Mercenary (COMMON)

Loyalty System
Today, I'm gonna lay out some details about this system I want to develop to further reward players coming back to these tournaments and participating in these posts.
How to Earn points:
Rules are going to be very simple. For every tournament participation, you will get 1 LP (loyalty point), If you finish in the top 10 you get 1 extra LP.
You can also earn an extra LP by reposting tournament-related posts to help me spread the word about these tourneys. There might be some additional posts/events where I will be giving out more LPs.
How to Participate:
Notice: LP sign-ups are currently on pause and will be back in a couple of weeks.
One important thing to do before you are eligible to participate in the Loyalty System. Just leave a comment under the latest tournament post (this post at the moment). You need to do this only ONCE. I want to rule out some of those bots that only auto-pilot through tournaments and reward actual players.
Loyalty Reward Structure
Keep in mind that this is something I'll experiment with over time and things will change, I'll be adding and removing available rewards but I'll try to stick with the structure as long as it makes sense to me and I can afford it. So the structure currently looks like this:
# | Reward | Loyalty Point Cost |
1. | Chaos Legion Pack | 100 LP |
2. | Random CL Summoner card (excluding legendaries) | 90 LP |
3. | Random CL Epic card | 50 LP |
4. | Random CL rare card (excluding summoners) | 10 LP |
5. | Random CL common card | 5 LP |
To redeem rewards you need to comment on the most recent tournament post with "I want to redeem reward # X times." for example "I want to redeem reward 4. 5 times (essentially redeeming 5 random rares)

LP Board
# | Player | Loyalty Points |
1 | @vyse | 20 |
2 | @amaari | 17 |
3 | @davethegreat | 17 |
4 | @n0chance4u | 16 |
5 | @candnpg | 13 |
6 | @eman13088 | 13 |
7 | @beaker007 | 12 |
8 | @avidez | 11 |
9 | @mario89 | 10 |
10 | @holoferncro | 10 |
11 | @madtribe | 10 |
12 | @weeareus | 10 |
13 | @samji | 9 |
14 | @scfather | 9 |
15 | @ghostlybg | 9 |
16 | @umbross | 8 |
17 | @squishna | 8 |
18 | @matrenn | 7 |
19 | @machete3000 | 7 |
20 | @uglykillerpigz | 7 |
21 | @shinkurisu | 6 |
22 | @losgemanos | 6 |
23 | @bassilus90 | 6 |
24 | @rakhmen | 5 |
25 | @mondroid | 5 |
26 | @higeneko | 4 |
27 | @lunchboxxx | 4 |
28 | @dragonmaster18 | 3 |
29 | @kss0 | 3 |
30 | @lurefish1 | 3 |
31 | @nitroage | 3 |
32 | @kublay | 3 |
33 | @dewabrata | 3 |
34 | @golden-axe | 3 |
35 | @yuexn | 3 |
36 | @ijat | 2 |
37 | @captainkal | 2 |
38 | @satorihime | 2 |
39 | @gildor | 2 |
40 | @trashyomen | 2 |
41 | @khunjuice | 2 |
42 | @yeti72 | 2 |
43 | @ganzanello | 2 |
44 | @pat1x | 2 |
45 | @captainloken | 2 |
46 | @johnsonrocks | 2 |
47 | @tengolotodo | 1 |
48 | @mightymick | 1 |
49 | @ghici | 1 |
50 | @legalizabrazil | 1 |
51 | @antuaaaan | 1 |
52 | @chakimanu | 1 |
53 | @elebrum | 1 |
54 | @sanahol | 1 |
55 | @maveric007 | 1 |
LP board has a huge turnout, even bigger than I expected, thank you all for participating!
Still, some people refuse to read the posts thoroughly and comment on my older post to join. Guys, that doesn't help me too much :P Sorry if you were some of those people and didn't end up on the board, we will fix that, just comment if you are one of those people.
I welcome every feedback and idea for the development of the loyalty system, please share your thought in the comments below. You might've noticed that I trimmed down some DEC prices, to help me run this system sustainably, any bonus support like sending DEC to my account, voting, sharing my post, etc. is highly appreciated
DEC prize structure in the tournaments got a little tweak, tell me do you guys prefer that, over the older format? Still waiting on the feedback :D
DEC seems to be going to the algorithmic peg and this will reflect on the bonus prize cards in the long term, would be nice if I could provide same quality of rewards but current situation just doesn't let me do that.

GIF by @splinterlands
To enhance your Splinterlands gameplay and win rate, try out this tool called Splintertool
To find out more about this look at my previous post about this tool.
Beware, the tool will get affected by recent changes in Splinterlands but most of the features will work fine, also more features are coming. Still, a really useful tool to have at your disposal.
If you don't want to miss these tournaments, join our guild discord, under section ZELLS CORNER AND TOURNEYS, you can follow a channel where I announce all my tourneys. See ya there!
Thank you for reading!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Keep up the good work.
Keep it up bro 👍
Hey Zell! Had a lot of fun in the tournament but I had a super bad headache day 2 and didn't perform so well!
Grats Vyse and Weeareus for over taking me in the end!
I also have two questions. Since I was in gold league this time I paid the higher entry fee, does that extra DEC go back to you? If so I don't feel so bad about paying the higher entry fee but if it doesn't I could enter on my alt that I keep in Bronze league for stuff like this.
Second, for the next card give away, is the Pelacor Mercenary also GF or just the Conjurer? It says level 3 pelacor mercenary which would make me think a level 3 regular foil but the image is of a GF so wasn't sure since you specified that the Conjurer was GF.
Yo man, what do you mean you didn't perform so well? haha, Sure would be nice to stay on top, but still :D
All entry fees go to me, these extra fees are here to discourage too many gold+ players competing with newbies and at the same time, higher-ranked players might have more DEC to spare, so it helps to support the tournament as well.
Nice catch, I just forgot to add GF in text. Thanks for calling it out.
Lulz! No headache this time!
I'll try get a blog post up about the tournament, posts where I win tend to do better and I can shout you and the tournament out at the same time. <3
GGs Congrats on the win! And thanks for the shoutout in advance :D
Then I will rent now so you will get 25dec more :D I play in Gold league but my card lvls are only on bronze lvl cap so your tournaments are much fun to play for me!
Thumbs up, keep it on!
Thanks man, I really appreciate it :)
Thanks for the continued tournaments. I didn't make the second round, but I wasn't in the bottom half this time either 😀
Nice I crack the top 10 again hope I win raffle also next time hehe. Thank you for this fun tournament.
Haha damn now you got me -.- I don't make it to the 2nd round this time... But I wish you good luck with the raffle next time! I'm not sure if I will win there someday xD
Thanks for the giveaway! add me to the list pls.
See u next tournament!
Recruitments to the LP board a currently on pause, I'll add you when it continues. It will take a couple of weeks for that to happen tho.
Thx for the Level 2 Merdaali Guardian, I like to play your tournament.
Keep up the good work 👍
Congrats on the lucky pull man! :D
Can't believe I actually got first. So many great players showing up to these. Thanks as always z3ll for putting on these tournaments. I've been in most of them now I think and I love how you have them set up.
Seeing you perform in these tourneys I'm not that surprised :D
I hope I find a way to make them even better, but at the moment, DEC going back down to peg value isn't helping hehe
Thanks :D
Have you thought about doing an SPS one? That seems to be holding the $.10 value for a while so could bring in some stability to it. And you can do some still with DEC to keep inclusive.
I will make a transition eventually, for now, I'd prefer if people stake up SPS for future benefits that will bring. Also, the problem isn't in tournament DEC rewards, but in DEC cost of cards, I'm buying to give out bonus rewards. The alternative would be to hold on to some CREDITS but that wastes a lot of airdrop points.
That makes sense. Well hopefully we can keep getting the word out and get more players in the tournaments!
Reposted. Thanks!
Thanks for the gift. It's really appreciated. I love your tournaments to keep up the great work!
Congrats on the lucky pull!
love the rule sets on this tournament, always good to be on the leaderboard! I want to redeem reward 2. 1 time
Umm, you mean reward 4, right?
yeah reward 4. sorry
Okay, so we can do this in a couple of ways. The most transparent (I think) would be, streaming random picker for you on discord.
I can upload a video of the same thing.
Or. You fully trust me to just do it myself and send you the card.
Maybe you know some way I can do this transparently without you being live with me while I do the random pick, that would help streamline this process in the future.
yeah for sure some tranparency is always good thing but since i trust you to pick the winners from the random giveway tournament i think it makes sense to do the same for the loyalty claim, go for it bro
Well then, I just spun the wheel, and you won Mycelic Slipspawn. GZ! :D
Anyway, I was going to add videos of me picking random card winners, and I recorded some of them but didn't end up uploading them because really nobody seems to care about that for some reason.
I was waiting for somebody to call me out on that. That didn't happen tho. haha
thanks bro, nice small tourneys you got here
Thanks for the stitch leech. Keep doing these tournaments please, they're great for relative beginners to the game like me
Congrats on the lucky pull! I will keep making tourneys as long as I can.
Lucky twice in a row. Thanks. :)
Haha gz on the lucky pull, again! :D
Hello I want to signup!
Sorry man, currently not possible. The signups are on pause, I'll recruit more people in a week or two, so stay tuned.
Nice update
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.