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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire PeakMonsters to finish Development of SPS Chain

in Splinterlands8 months ago

While I am a huge fan of the Peakmonsters team and what they have done and continue to do for the ecosystem, I think it would be a big mistake for the DAO to move the development of the SPS validator system at this point in the process for the following reasons:

  1. The current developers at JPTR corp have been working on the validators for many months now (which has been paid for by Splinterlands) and they are actually quite close to the initial release. The current expectation is that it should be ready to release in the next few months. We did not want to commit to that in the proposal agreement because there's always the possibility that unexpected things come up and we wanted to make sure the date put out was one that could be 100% hit, no matter what, but the reality of the situation is that it should be ready much sooner. Moving the project to a completely new team at this point would delay things unnecessarily.

  2. The SPS validator software is very similar to the software being used currently in production to operate the Genesis League Goals game and the developers working on the SPS validators at JPTR corp were also part of the team that built and released that game in the past. So they also have experience launching and running this software in a production environment and that is important to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to transfer the project to another development team that is new to the software.

  3. One of the biggest and most difficult parts of this project is updating the Splinterlands game to work with the new validator system. The developers currently working on the validators worked for Splinterlands on the game before switching over to the validator project and they are doing the work to update Splinterlands to work with the validators as part of this project. Peakmonsters or any outside developer would not be able to do this and Splinterlands can't afford to take on that part of the project, so if another developer were to be hired to do the initial release of validators, the DAO would need to separately fund a Splinterlands developer to work on that part. So even though Peakmonsters seems to be offering a cheaper alternative, it does not include all of the work that needs to be done.

My highest priority (and I believe it should be the highest priority of all SPS stakeholders) is that this project finally gets done and I am strongly against anything that would add further delays and uncertainty.

That being said, once the initial release is done and the system is running smoothly, both for the validators and for the Splinterlands game's integration with them, then I think it would be extremely beneficial to have as many independent developers working on the project as possible. At that point the code will be open source so anyone will be able to contribute, although there should be a DAO-appointed group that leads and organizes it, which can certainly be Peakmonsters.

So my suggestion is to support the proposal for JPTR corp to finish the initial version of SPS chain, get it launched, and make sure Splinterlands is integrated with it properly, and then re-evaluate and see if it makes sense to have another group take over for ongoing maintenance and additional feature development.

Finally, I wanted to address the following comment:

ℹ️ NOTE: We decided to include this section in our proposal as it's honestly quite surprisingly that there is no mention of something like this in the other proposal. The Splinterlands community deserves an audit by the main game developers before going live with a software developed by a 3rd party (both PeakMonsters or JPTR Corp) that can potentially destroy the ecosystem.

Numerous Splinterlands developers have been working very closely with the developers working on the validator software to review and double check everything that is being done throughout the project and will continue to do so going forward (which is also baked into the cost for development in the original proposal).

I welcome these types of questions and will update the other proposal to be more clear on these items, but I resent the implication that we were planning to hire some unknown developers and just throw their code out into production without review. Ultimately, however, it is the responsibility of the elected validators - not the Splinterlands company - to choose what code they run and ensure it's audited to their standards. As a reminder, the code will be open source and therefore publicly available for anyone to review and audit before choosing to run it.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙏

I understand most of your concerns and I agree on many of the points you mentioned. Hiring the people who already worked on the software is the obvious choice.
We decided to step in and offer an alternative mostly because the other proposal has a very high cost and a flat payment structure without any incentives to deliver the software earlier than expected.

Actually after re-reading your comment I'm not even sure why you added the following paragraph to your original proposal in the first place.


Based on what you wrote in the above comment it looks pretty obvious that there are no other viable options for the DAO than hiring JPTR corp to complete the software.

That said I don't want to work on this sort of project without the full support of the Splinterlands team, so personally I have no interest in moving forward with this proposal based on what you shared above.
My hope is that the community will understand and support your point of view and the validator software will work great and be delivered on time.

I like to hear @jarvie and @asgarth 's opinion on Matt's comment

We had wanted to work on the project back when the other proposal was made many many months ago but told it wasn't worth it because it was nearing the finish line anyway. So we decided on different things for peakd/ team to work on.

Then we saw what we thought was almost an invitation in Matt's proposal (based on what he wrote) and so we sparked our interest again. (Considering our hive wallet proposal isn't presently funded) We knew we could employ our whole staff and hire full time some of our part time people and save the DAO 140k+

Our proposal focuses on an audit to assess where the software is at and get a list of all the expectations first for free ... then start if we are 100% certain.

However not if Splinterlands team really only wants to pay their CTO to do it if there isn't interest by them in anyone else then what's really the point. We don't have interest in working on it if Matt isn't interested.

BUT... i'm personally so so curious what happens if both proposals pass and maybe it brings out great conversation and my personal hope for the DAO is they lower their cost.

While i have no concerns that we could do the splinterlands proposal project and save DAO money I think has been making awesome stuff for hive these last couple years. Completing (and upkeeping) tons of projects.

Our team Would love for our Hive proposal to decentralize our dependence on a one wallet system and work on the metamask and peak vault wallets (which are already functional) and the sdk that makes it easy for all hive sites to integrate all wallets (keychain, peak vaul, metamask) into their site with a click of a button. Also maybe that proposal saves Hive some money as competition may cause more competitive requests in other Hive proposal since we would have most of the wallet features done in the first year of the proposal since the wallets themselves are already functional. And we wouldn't keep having huge proposals year after year but would keep upgrading and maintaining and keep creating new cool tools.

So yeah would love some support from matt or you and others on that one.

I had no idea about your 'new' hive proposal. I thought you guys have multiple funded proposals....

nope our focus for the year was a couple small projects, upkeep and then focus one year on wallet stuff (then move on... not milk it forever) because we could do most of our work easily in one year (specially considering the foundation is already done and it's already two working wallets that can process hive transactions for UIs)
So either that one gets funded or we propose something else for Hive community i guess.

I voted for it.

Done :)

Many thanks!