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RE: Splinterlands Rare Card Giveaway

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Count me in, please!
When the new season/system started out, I waited for like 10 hours for my ERC to reach 100% then I tried grinding to get back to silver 3(I was bronze 3 due to EOS de-ranking), I ran my ERC down to 55% and did not rank up XD. Then I studied why I was losing the battles and fixed the mistakes I was making and managed to rent specific cards for my new strategy and managed to end up back in silver 3 by the end of the first day(ERC down to 30%..) After that it was just adapt and smooth sail, got 10+ chests/day for most of the season(I was getting 2 on S3 previously) and 65 seasonal chests(instead of 12 previously) so I'm very happy about that! Adapt to survive, my friends!
IGN: @xheadhunterz