2022 May 2nd Week Social Media Challenge
Leveling up is not always better (ep. 1) - River Nymph
I started to play this game about 6 month ago and started to collect Chaos Legion cards. Almost all of my cards are CL and CL reward cards. I am currently playing in Silver League I. My goal is make my CL cards the highest playable level in Silver.
I do not own previous edition cards and I have no plans to collect them. Maybe I just rent them if I need, but it's so expensive to purchase them. They are already scarce. It takes me long enough to collect CL cards, so I am waiting for next edition instead of buying the previous editions.
Highest playable level in Silver
- Common cards -> ★5 (bcx 60)
- Rare cards -> ★4 (bcx 25)
- Epic cards -> ★3 (bcx 10)
- Legendary cards -> ★2 (bcx 3)
I am leveling up my decks and I think sometimes it's better to put off upgrading cards in some cases. I'd like to share my thought on this.
River Nymph
River Nymph has Cleanse ability from ★1. Cleanse is very useful in Noxious Fumes battles. I mostly choose a monster who has Cleanse or Immunity in order to reduce poison damage. I always pick River Nymph if Fire and Death are unavailable because both have a replacement of River Nymph (Scavo Chemist, Forgotten One, and Harklaw).
Cleanse : Removes all negative effects on the Monster in the first position on the friendly team.
Immunity : This monster is immune to negative status effects.
Noxious Fumes : All monsters start the game poisoned and will take 2 damage each turn unless cleansed. Big HP and cleanse are going to be your best bet here. However there may be some cases where you ignore and go for a big offensive attack and wipe out your opponent before the poison becomes a factor.
My River Nymph is currently Level 3 and I was thinking of leveling her up to Level 4, because she can have Amplify ability at that level. However, her Health is going to be lower if I upgrade her.
Amplify : Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy monsters by 1.
I don't use this card much if the rule doesn't include Noxious Fumes. Low-health monsters can be risky in Noxious Fumes battles. Moreover, her speed is not that fast, so she can be easily eliminated by Opportunity before cleansing her tank. One of my other options in Noxious Fumes is Thaddius Death Summoner. He reduces all the enemies' health, so it can be more dangerous for low-health monsters.
The other reason I don't want to level her up from 3 to 4 now is her Amplify ability is not useful in Silver league. None of the Water monsters/summoners has Magic Reflect, Return Fire, or Thorns except Lir Deepswimmer. River Nymph can be very powerful with Lir Deepswimmer, but it's so expensive to purchase the Legendary card. Without Lir Deepswimmer, Lv3 River Nymph looks better to me than Lv4.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Have a great day.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Thank you.