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RE: An SPS "Pre-Pre-Proposal": Implement a "Botting License" to measure and manage proliferation of botted accounts

in Splinterlands5 months ago

I agree with Dave that there is nessisary first step before using a " tax". Liscences would disecentivise but if we have seen anything about the nature of bot farms its the low friction scaling that causes the mass drains, ratings inflation and match quality issues,Liscensing requires upkeep and fidelity were as eliminating the fuel of frictionless scale is more effceint. It comes at a cost to new players but the game is slowly dying so perhaps wroth it risk reward.

I love supporting the DAO, Love better data and Love the lore/spirit and shared sentiment we all feel but I am also feeling the crypto ethos might be challenged with centralized bot gatekeeping with Liscences. I keep thinking about how goverments think about issues and this feel verry much like a fishing liscence here in the states.


That's a valid concern, appreciate the input winddrake.
Good analogy, it kind of IS a fishing licence... and if there were no licenses then the rivers would have barely any fish left. And that's kind of where we are at.
So maybe the fishing license is too expensive - that's negotiable :)

But I'll push back, that if it's the DAO that is determining the "fishing licensing terms" then it's not centralized, it's decentralized

Yeah the whole "D" in DAO good point. I guess i was seconding the Dev's view but the DAO is " Decentralized" by definition so fair point. To emphasise I love your idea as a " phase" two of Bot control after/if 1BCX cards stop being given out.

I am starting to wonder if bots can be dealt with in a free market way as all the known prevention measure I know of in other games revolve around " ban " which in my mind isnt verry free market.