There are those that believe this sort of game is a pyramid scheme. That only the early players can benefit and make money.
The economy is a pyramid but that's the inevitable consequence of allowing a market to exist. I don't think it's too late for people to join (buy spellbook and like $2 in credits to start renting to silver 3.)
Per the game's fun value, plummeted a lot, and it's value proposition without considering P2E elements is quite poor. Removing bronze 3 dec rewards is the worst dev decision so far because it makes it so new player unfriendly.
If they wanted to just limit bots, give new players limited games where they can earn DEC at bronze 3 at least then the game works right out of the box (p2e aspect.)
Thanks for reading and commenting. I agree that the removal of the bronze DEC rewards has made the game less appealing for new players to some extent. But I can also see that the game needs players to also be investors to work. Hard to know the long term effectiveness of this strategy at this stage but I believe it will be ok so long as the game play continues to develop and improve.