Battle from the Past (#14): Armor is Important

in Splinterlands2 months ago


Hello everyone, welcome to my newest segment, "BATTLE FROM THE PAST". This segment was created because when I want to make a post for another Challenge (Social media and Secret Battle Mage Challenge) I always save all the battles I win. So that when the theme is determined, I don't have to bother to do a lot of fighting again because I have saved some of them.

Since the unused battle links are piling up, I created this segment to share those battles with you all. For this time, the struggle that I will be sharing is...



The rulesets for this battle are GOING THE DISTANCE, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?, and CLOSE RANGE. GOING THE DISTANCE is a ruleset that only allows players to use Range units (and dual-attack units that have Range attacks). Meanwhile, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? is a ruleset that allows players to use 1 gladius unit which is usually only allowed in battles between Guilds (Guild Arena). For CLOSE RANGE, this ruleset gives range units the ability to attack even in the first position (which usually cannot be done outside this ruleset). This ruleset is like providing the CLOSE RANGE ability to all Range units in the battle arena, where the ability has the same use as the ruleset.

I decided to use Kelya Frendul so that if I took heavy damage, it would only hit the ARMOR of my units. Meanwhile, the opponent used Quix the Devious which is very suitable for a ruleset like this. The opposing side also brings additional units that provide additional SPEED (Naga Assassin and Countess Sinash*) while my side relies on Wave BroodAngelic Mandarin to heal Wave Brood so he can survive longer. which has the RETURN FIRE ability to counter attacks from the opponent's range units that are directed at it. I also use


In the first round, almost all of the opponent's units (Naga Assassin, Lava Spider, Xenith Archer and Countess Sinash*) attacked Wave Brood. The attack from Lava Spider also deals poison effects to Wave Brood, while the attack from Countess Sinash deals additional damage to Igor Darkspear. But Wave BroodWave Brood. countered their attacks by using the RETURN FIRE ability so that they were hit for half the damage they aimed at

Flame Mephit herself attacked my Xenith Archer. Angelic Mandarin healed some of Wave Brood's HP then he and Xenith Archer managed to injure Flame Mephit. Meanwhile, the attacks from Wave Brood, Igor Darkspear, and Alfredo failed to hurt Flame Mephit and they had to take 2 HP damage through Flame Mephit's BACKFIRE ability.


In the second round, Naga Assassin and Countess Sinash* managed to defeat Wave Brood. But in that attempt, Countess Sinash also lost due to being hit by Wave BroodLava Spider directed his attack at Angelic Mandarin.'s RETURN FIRE ability.

My opponent's Flame Mephit and Xenith Archer* attacked my Xenith Archer. Xenith Archer, Angelic Mandarin, and Igor Darkspear defeat Flame Mephit. Angelic Mandarin also healed Igor Darkspear before making the attack. Meanwhile, Alfredo failed to land his attack on Naga Assassin and took damage again through BACKFIRE ability.


In the third round, Naga Assassin defeated my Xenith Archer. Meanwhile, Lava Spider aimed his attack at Alfredo and defeated him. The opponent's Xenith Archer attacked Angelic Mandarin who was now in first place. Naga Assassin was defeated by attacks from Angelic Mandarin and Igor Darkspear*. Angelic Mandarin also healed Igor Darkspear's HP again.


In the fourth round, Xenith Archer and Lava Spider attacked Angelic Mandarin. Meanwhile, Angelic Mandarin and Igor Darkspear attacked Lava Spider and gave him a STUN effect so that he could not attack in the next round.


In the fifth round, Xenith Archer defeated Angelic Mandarin, while Igor Darkspear defeated Lava Spider who could not move in this round. The battle ended in the seventh round after Igor Darkspear defeated Xenith Archer. Although they had the same amount of Attack power, Igor Darkspear was slightly ahead in the amount of HP remaining.



Although I lost the upper hand to my opponent due to receiving several debuffs (Attack power reduction and speed gain canceled by Quix the Devious), the additional 1 ARMOR from Kelya Frendul was quite useful in this battle. When some of my units failed to land an attack and had to take damage from the BACKFIRE ability, those units only lost 1 ARMOR instead (instead of losing 2 HP if they didn't have ARMOR).

Countess SinashWave Brood, Countess Sinash can be defeated in 2 times of RETURN FIRE. which is the opponent's unit that has the highest attack power is very troublesome because it deals damage to 2 units at once. But because of her low HP and the RETURN FIRE ability of


That's one of the battles that I shared in Battle from the Past this time. Hopefully, you will get a little idea about the strategy after seeing this battle. Thank you for visiting and reading this post until the end. See you in the next post.

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Magic + armor was the meta before. Powerful combination.

Alric + Oshannus + Wavesmith?

Yes and Earth magic team + Queen Mycelia.