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RE: What Is The Best Summoner Besides Mylor

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

+1 Range or Magic, if you can get a duel ability summoner healing helps a lot. Speed may help with removing low level support monsters.

Mylar is really effective in novice and bronze, but is is quite vulnerable to range or magic. So use those when you are sure to be facing Mylar.
But be careful, as Earth has some great support characters to lessen the pain of these weaknesses. Stonesplitter Orc has a nasty retaliate to respond to your melee damage, along with those nasty thorns of Mylar, and Stone Golem's shield blunts your attacks.
Unicorn Mustang can be used to blunt magic attacks, as well as Failed Summoner to reflect back, and there is Mushroom Seer to Silence magic, as well.
Centaur Mage has the ability to return fire of your range attack. And with Wood Nymph healing, or Epona providing extra health, you will need to over power them with your own heals and +1 to the range attack of your choosing.


Wow! I Screenshot that so i can absorb it all again! Thank you for the great response!