So i final cracked and brought a copy

in Splinterlands4 years ago

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With all the new chaos reward cards coming out i have my wish list of cards i hope i pull i have been luck and grabbed a few included a epic today i really wanted check the last post for that one top of my list is the Lava Launcher i have held out a week hoping i would pull one in my chests and i havent yet so i then was like maybe i will get luck on my end of season rewards but thats 9 DAYS AWAY

So last night i was in a match and someone had the card on the field and with yodin as the summoner it destroyed me. I rent a yodin every season as i cant afford to buy one maybe one day so i had to get a lava launcher

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Prices are dropping everywhere at the moment due to a few thing happening in the game and the crypo market so i managed to snag a copy for $1.95 didnt not get a photo of that due to having to grab it quick but im happy with the deal even if they are cheaper today lol

This card brings so much to my team yes the mana is crazy high so can only be used in a few battles but the fact it can hit from the first postion makes it great and when you add yodins extra hit point, health and blast makes it a great tank now the prices are dropping still i may end up buying a few more and leveling it up


Congrats on your Lava Launcher card deal. Right now just about everything is on sale. Which means it is a great time to pick up some crypto or cards. untitled.gif