If I were a new player, would I be able to play this game? Dust to Diamond!

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Somehow I messed up this post. So Here goes again.

I started in August 2021. Somewhere between Dice and Chaos Legion. Cards were so expensive. You had to sacrifice your kid's college tuition in order to buy cards. I've never felt inspired to write anything until now. After following Luke's play to earn gaming and seeing the episodes 11 to 1000 I decided to start an alt account but took it one step further. I will buy a spellbook and nothing else. No cards owned or started with except the ghost cards, no cards delegated or otherwise gifted, inherited or whatever. Can't be that hard can it?Screenshot 20220411 082044 gf.jpg

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I started this noob account about 5 days ago and this is my journey from Dust to Diamond.
The first day was rather promising. I finished my daily quest and got a whopping 5 CREDITS!! It's stable and it's worth about a penny. But unfortunately the cheapest card on the market was the most hated reward card the Gargoyle Lion. But it was 1.5 cents. I also found out the next day that the water splinter doesn't have a sneak card. Not in the starter cards. So my goal is to get enough credits to buy a Pelacor Bandit with an amazing value of 2.5 cents!!! Well days 2 through 5 were futile. With each daily quest I got... You guessed it.... POTIONS!!!! Can't sell it, can't trade it, can't burn it and can't eat it. So now I have 3 days to EOS (end of season). Hopefully I can get my first card before then, but who knows it could be all credits from eos rewards. I hope you enjoyed my first post and hopefully not my last as I will try to update and keep this going. Who knows, maybe this account will be the one from Dust to Diamond.Screenshot 20220411 081720 gf.jpg

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This is gonna be a loooooonnnngggggg journey.

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Hello @udyeasy ! This is @proteancreator from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome! Great to hear you are enjoying Splinterlands, and are even starting to do Splitertalk as well.

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Yessss I finally got a card. day 6. Pelacor Mercenary. I don't know why I'm so excited about it but there you go. Diamond here I come

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by the way, I'm new to this whole blog posting thing, so I just replied to this post. Not sure if that's the right way, so if you know otherwise let me know and finally, I'm glad you decided to join me on this journey Dust to Diamond.

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