Hello Splinterlands Artists
Here I am again for another week of the Splinterlands Fan Art Contest where I draw my chosen Splinterlands character to enter the Weekly Fan Art Contest.
And my pick for this week to draw is…
Drumroll, please!
The Cyclops demon, Muspelheim Demon!

Image Source: Splinterlands.com
The appearance of this Rare Monster from the Fire Element, Muspelheim Demon, is quite intimidating. He’s a Cyclops with many spikes on his body that if you were to see in real life, you’d probably run away.
So let’s go! Let’s start with the process of how I drew it!
The first thing I did was sketch, of course. We need to visualize what would be the best look for this demon.
In the lore, it seems obsessed with a yellow stone, so I need to keep that in mind for the outcome of my art.

So I made a draft of how it should look. Once I finished the draft, I darkened it using a charcoal pen brush for the line art. I thickened my strokes a bit now to make it look better.

Once I finished the outline, it’s time for coloring. Muspelheim Demon is quite easy to color because his colors are mainly red and black.

I darkened the areas that I think should have shadows and added highlights.

Then comes the background. I made a simple background, but I used a different technique this time.

First, I did a gradient of red and black, and then I created a halftone layer for effect.
Just added some final retouching and here is my finished art, and I hope you like my art.

All the images in this article are credited to splinterlands.com
The divider frame for my rebellion and Philippines flag divider is credited to kyo-gaming.
The Divider dec is credited to flauwy
You can find more dividers from kyo LINK and flauwy LINK
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