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RE: ⭐️5 SPS ⭐️ - Drops Splinterlands (TWO)

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Thanks for the giveaways. Please count me in for 5 draws.

Good luck, all.

As for if the new SPS staking system making the game harder for newbies, absolutely. The situation is exactly as you described. I have been playing in silver with a moderately maxed bronze deck. Now me, and those cards are playing in bronze because the rewards were so low in silver. But in bronze I am constantly facing Llama/Kron and Quora. Cards I rarely faced in silver!! I think if I would have started now I would have played a few matches with starter cards, decided the game was impossible to start playing without spending hundreds of dollars, and then concluded that I can have a lot more fun playing many different games for my hundreds of dollars.
