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RE: SPS DAO Proposal: Splinter Royale SPS Rewards

Hey, I'm sorry to hear that you find it difficult to understand! There are no videos yet afaik. Let me see if I can find some time to record a video. But I'm also happy to help via text.

Basically, the goal of the game is for you to purchase, play and combine cards. In the async battle mode, you start with 5 health and need to win 10 rounds. For each round you lose, you'll lose 1 health. (In the duel mode, the damage you take is different, 25 health at the beginning 1 damage * card tier per card alive to the loser.)

You start the game with 3 gold and each card costs 3 gold. There are 5 different card tiers. Cards in higher tiers are stronger. You can get higher tiers by upgrading your shop. Which costs 4 in the beginning, reduces by 1 each round. Once you upgrade, the upgrade price changes, but still reduces by 1 each round.

If you have 3 cards, they turn into a single gold card and you get one extra card from a tier higher. You can sell cards for 1 gold each. You can also refresh the cards available to buy for 1 gold.

You can play the cards by dragging it onto the field. Once you click on ready, the battle phase starts. A random player begins with the left most card. Cards attack random cards, unless an ability is active (i.e. taunt, opportunity, etc.)

Abilities and card stats work similar to Splinterlands Battles, just that each attack also triggers a counter attack, meaning if both cards have attack, both take damage.

I hope this short explanation helps a bit.


ok i have been trying tutorial mode (not signed in), will give async battles ago 👍

I found it close enough to Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Was that the inspiration for it?

I enjoyed that on and off.

First game put me at 5 hp vs someone at 15, so that seems like an error?

There's def. inspiration involved, but we're also innovating on top. The current game mode is just the alpha version.

First game put me at 5 hp vs someone at 15, so that seems like an error?

In async battle mode, you're being matched up with a previous players lineup. The 15 health are irrelevant as your opponent doesn't really "exist", since you're trying to win 10/10 rounds. Your 5 health reduces by 1 health each loss.

That for example does not exist within Battlegrounds and personally, I'm enjoying the fast pace of that mode quite a bit.