Soulbound Reward Card Proposal - Immediate and Ongoing Accessibility

in Splinterlands8 months ago (edited)


Voting on Early Unlocks

Please note that this proposal is to put to a vote early unlocks and not to define the parameters of said unlocks. We’ve provided an example implementation purely for reference.


This proposal has been crafted in response to Yabamatt’s suggestion during the most recent Town Hall meeting; encouraging the community to present an alternative approach to the management of Soulbound Reward cards, and this document aims to address that call with a comprehensive plan.

Eliminating the Exploitation by Bots

One of the major achievements we’ve accomplished is eliminating the exploitation of the system by bots. This was a significant challenge, but through a series of sweeping changes over the last 18 months in combination with the more recent implementation of a robust battle helper identification system, we’ve successfully tackled this issue. This milestone sets the stage for the reintroduction of Reward cards in a more secure and fair environment for all players.

Availability of Reward Cards

It is crucial that Reward cards are accessible to players from the outset, even if at high prices. While the glint shop provides some assistance, it falls short in certain aspects. For instance, players often spend 250k glint for 10 legendary cards season after season, yet still fail to acquire that crucial meta card needed to remain competitive. This indicates a need for a more reliable and efficient method for players to obtain the specific cards they need to enhance their gameplay.

Enhancing the Value of Gameplay

The value derived from playing this game extends beyond merely earning SPS. Players invest thousands of dollars in acquiring cards to compete at the highest levels. Therefore, the rewards for these investments need to be substantial. It’s not enough for players to earn SPS and glint; there must be additional incentives and higher stakes involved. Players should feel that their financial and time investments in unlocking these cards are justified by the rewards they receive, enhancing their overall gaming experience and competitiveness.

The True Drive to Play the Game

There is a prevailing opinion that the main attraction to playing the game is the necessity of obtaining new Soulbound cards. However, the truth is closer to the fact that the game is inherently fun, which is why players continue to engage with it. If the sole purpose of playing the game becomes merely to collect Soulbound cards, then a deeper issue arises: the game has lost its fun. The enjoyment and excitement of gameplay must remain at the forefront of the player experience. The thrill of strategy, competition, and community interaction is what truly drives players to invest their time and resources. Ensuring that the game remains entertaining and engaging is paramount to its success and longevity.


By addressing these key points, this proposal aims to create a more balanced, rewarding, and competitive environment for all players, ensuring that the management of Soulbound Reward cards aligns with the needs and expectations of the community.


Instantly unlockable for a higher fee (& decreasing over time towards the end of the set/batch)

Example Unlock Costs & Timeframes

  • Time block 1 - Month 1-3: 20x CP

  • Time block 2 - Month 4-6: 18x CP

  • Time block 3 - Month 7-8: 16x CP

  • Time block 4 - Month 9-10: 14x CP

  • Time block 4 - Month 11-12: 12x CP

  • Time block 5 - Month 13+: 10x - 20x CP


0407 UTC

Poor, sleepy grammar in line 1

1325 UTC

Example Unlock Costs & Timeframes updated


I have said it since day one and I'll say it again as a Veteran TCG Player (15 years including National Championships for Magic The Gathering) and as a Veteran Play2Earn gamer - since they days of Ultima Online I've been moving digital loot...

Here's what we want: WEB 3 GAMING

Soulbound = WEB 2 GAMING

Unlocking is cool but you know what's COOLER??


We killed the Bot Extractors, which we were TOLD by Yabapmatt "was the issue the Soulbound cards were created in response to" - right? Value extraction - right???

That issue is SOLVED... therefore, we do not NEED Soulbound cards. Web2 gaming does not belong in an NFT Based, Web3 Game.

While I begrudgingly admit, "unlocking" is a workaround... It's literally just Web3 Cards with extra steps.

We killed the issue that we created the solution for... we simply need a limited production run of Non-Soulbound Cards... and when their "Block" is up... Perhaps 3 Month Blocks? 1 of each Splinter? 24 Cards per year? That's it - you can't earn them... you gotta buy them.

Scarcity creates VALUE.

That's my thoughts and whatever my experience is worth... but I was flipping bricks of MTGO -> Real Life cards via $5 S&H since 2004...

Love you guys and think we are heading in the right direction... but let us look at the cause/effect of Soulbound... and see that the cause is gone... thus should be the need for them to exist as well...

 8 months ago  

I completely agree. I want non-soulbound cards again, too. Early unlocks is a significant step back in the right direction. However, you do realize that should this fail, we're stuck with no early unlock, right? Iterative process, @captaindingus.

I do - that's why I said what I said.

I begrudgingly support the BEST, worst option.

I do believe you put a lot of thought and effort into the proposal and will probably vote for the proposal... but I wanted Matt and everyone else to see my TRUE opinion on the matter.

Thank you for the Proposal!

(I wonder if mine, that passed, will ever get put into effect?)

 8 months ago  

Cheers dude. At the end of the day, this proposal is geared to only assess sentiment around early unlock. I suspect that, should it pass, we will see a few options get proposed as to what that early unlock would look like

I'm here for it :)

I 100% agree with you, we should get rid of sb cards completely. and anything else soulbound, like my mountain of merits, lol.

Remind me about your earlier proposal please....

I proposed we increase the Minimum Rental Fee from .1 DEC to 1 DEC to match the Listing Fee of 1 DEC.

It passed but I haven't heard anything since then so I am beginning to suspect I threw away 100k DEC 😒

right, i remember supporting that.

maybe ask for an update in the next town hall?

That's a good idea - I have had work throw off my last few THs but I'll definitely do that on the next one!

While I do agree with the assessment that soulbound is close to web2, I don't think it has no place in a the game. I would disagree that (bot) extractors are killed, if an opportunity arises to extract people will take it. Printing cards indefinitely as rewards certainly is such an opportunity.

My bigger issue is with the value proposition for card ownership, because it is simply bad. Let's assume for a second you have reward cards and they are free to trade. The market will be flooded early because people know the price will go down and value loss is a self-fulfilling prophecy, because even people who want it know, that sell now and buy back in a few weeks will make money. Well technically it will transfer the money from however buys it.

Now let's look at the same proposition with unlock costs. Same thing, a race to the bottom. Especially with unlock costs reducing it is just a question of do I unlock now, because I think I will find someone who is ok with losing value or doesn't know better. In the end it is a dump, dump, dump because the value has to go down.

To an extent you have the same problem with card packs, buying them early for sure loses you value, because you know more will be bought and cards will get cheaper for that reason. Yes, eventually they may go out of print and value goes up but this is long term speculation at best.

I know, there are many more factors to card value than scarcity, but as you acknowledged scarcity strongly influences value. That is why I see limited print per card that is known from the start and not at the mercy of how the draws look like and how long the print lasts as the best option. While harder to realize for card packs with the burn and all that, for soulbound card unlocks it is rather simple to do. And if there are no surprises or unknowns, like how much will be played, how much will be drawn, how long is the set even in print, then the value proposition is much clearer. There will still be speculation of course and there are still other factors, but it is much better than the race to the unknown bottom we have now.

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This proposal makes total sense. Thank you CLAYBOYN. 🙂

Oh no. I commented the wrong proposal. Meant proposal #160.

I don't understand this proposal. I mean, I understand the problem and the soulbound reward cards need a rework, but this here seems too complex to grasp.

 8 months ago  

I'm not sure what's complicated. The only thing this proposal is pushing forward is an early unlock. While there is an example of what said early unlock could look like, it's using a dynamic multiplier which is already in the plans for SPL & co.

 8 months ago  

😆 Thanks Clayboyn, indeed! Haha!

I like the idea of instant unlocks so everyone who wants can actually buy the cards and will be voting for it.

However, the entire unlock mechanics set by the team are just stupid and a massive missed opportunity not solving the core issue. It tries to burn some DEC (giving the majority an incentive to just keep them soulbound and continue earning) to possibly get to a point where SPS has to be burned getting that supply down and the price up and because of that get the demand and price of cards back up.

The main issue of the game is that there is a crazy oversupply in cards and a guarantee for prices to crash during their life cycle as they get dumped into Wild. Because of this nobody rightfully so is willing to buy new packs which lowers the revenue. Putting even more cards in circulation from the soulbounds that will get unlocked is adding to the problem, similar to how creating 5x2 Promo cards will create more supply and how introducing DEC-B created more supply to try and fix the DEC oversupply, and how introducing vouchers took away from demand for DEC.

What they should do is require a similar type of card to be burned to unlock a soulbound card as an option instead of the 10x Burn Value. This along with a bonus for anyone who is NOT using Locked Soulbound cards in their decks. This will at least not increase the card supply and create demand for the currently way too cheap cards that hold sales and new players back. They need to give cards bought with money an advantage over free cards given out from gameplay time.

Everyone who will be unlocking Soublound cards at 10x the DEC Value or more is just picking up pennies in front on a freight train with a big chance to get crushed as not so long from now they already will be dumped in Wild.

 8 months ago  

I love this idea. I know this idea has been floating around for a little while now and would be happy to incorporate this into the suggested implementation. We've ~6 days to come up with some more precise numbers & exchange rates. Have nudged a couple people to weigh in here, as well. Thanks!

Thanks, I wrote the idea down and how the current unlock mechanism likely will make things worse more extensively Here

I really hope they come to their senses somehow and understand that they need to take care of card supply and values if they ever want to attract new players.

They need to give cards bought with money an advantage over free cards given out from gameplay time.


I stole that line from you and 100% agree, there are zero reasons for anyone to unlock right now and it would only increase the supply even more.

 8 months ago  

Yup, I agree here, too. I'd love to see ownership prioritized over rentals / delegations in terms of rewards. And honestly, I'd love to see that extend into staked SPS, as well.

This is something that makes sense to me. I plan on being very cautious with overpaying to unlock when i know its just a race to sell. Why else would you unlock unless to sell the card and sure if the demand is there great but just some simple math kinda throws that out very quickly.

MAX GFL is 52500 CP, so if im going off 20x, were talking over a mil DEC when i can do buy a max GFL for 100k DEC right now in the same set for chaos. Even at 5x, were talking about 2.5x the price of buying a comparison and thats not even accounting for the "markup" the seller will try to make. I think itll be a disaster for those that try to unlock them or noone will do it.

Your proposal would help to bridge the two values together. say something take a GFL and burns a Chaos GFL for it. Cost them 100k DEC to buy one but maybe they can sell GFL reward for 250k due to rarity. The consequence is the Chaos set increases as the reward set decreases until it finds an equilibrium and it isnt worth it to do so anymore. The more i type it out the more I like it.

The only thing that sucks for someone like me and im sure others is that what incentive do i have to unlock for land. If i am just trading production for production there really is no benefit. Maybe there could be a landbound option where you can burn at 50% rate but then it is bound to your account still but a land functionality unlocks. 50% may still be too high, would have to be discussed.

The proposal from the OG post isnt going to pass so @costanza, think you should get a proposal together and ask for donations for funding it if needed. Id be willing to throw in.

I really doubt the demand will be there for players to buy unlocked cards, initially maybe some who failed to get specific cards to a certain level. As a buyer you can easily put the price you are willing to pay at pennies profit compared to the unlock cost as there are many people who left the game and are going to be willing to unlock and sell at a tiny profit. The entire setup now is just stupid and it will make things worse. I wrote more about the idea today Here

Yes, I do need to unlock some of my sb in my alt in order to max sb's in my main, so, dumping cards in the market is not priority for everyone.

I think this is an important approach to how cards should be unlocked, I think there are already too many burning mechanisms for DEC, this way of unlocking them is interesting and more because it reduces the large supply of cards currently present.

The way I see it, they just have the order mixed up. Card prices are vital as everyone in the game sees them as their main investment. It will never work to get more players in to restore their values, instead, values need to be restored somehow to bring new players in. There are too many cards and players are sure to lose if they buy packs. The current way of unlocking doesn't solve any of this and makes it worse.

I like this much better, even if we have to burn 2x bcx of a card in order to unlock 1x bcx of a soulbound, this measure sounds even more deflationary and fair than 10x dec burn to unlock, which most people can't afford to pay even if they wanted to.
Overpricing has been a huge problem for this company ever since CL, seems like prices are thought to be paid only by a very exclusive elite, most of which I doubt they are still here.

Indeed, it doesn't make sense for anyone to unlock their cards even if they were financially able to. A max set of Soulbound Reward cards which has 43 cards in it would cost 1438$ while a max Chaos Legion set of 103 cards costs under 600$.

Cards need to be burned so things get evened out. Otherwise, new cards will never ever keep their value as players are much better off botting with the cheapest cards in Wild once the new cards get dumped in there.

I know Matt said he wanted feedback on any suggestions. I like 2 things about this non-binding proposal:

  1. I like that the unlock gets down to 5x towards the end, and then goes back up again gradually after the cards are finished printing. I think this will encourage more participation in the actual unlocking, which will burn more DEC and be good for the ecosystem.

  2. I like that there is a way to get the card early by paying a much higher rate. I think this will eliminate the frustration that top players complain about (not me, but plenty do); plus I think it will be an incentive to play harder in order to get any meta cards that might be in demand while the set is printing. I feel that it'll be like hitting a jackpot to get a Kulu or Iziar this way and bring more excitement to every draw or loot chest.

 8 months ago  

Glad that we are aligned here. I'm hopeful we see a big turnout from the community and perhaps get a superior alternative suggested on this proposed solution. Lotta sharp folks out there! Glad to just get the conversation started. Cheers Dave!

I would up the cost in the time block one to 40x or 50x. I wonder what others think.

 8 months ago  

I'm not married to any of the numbers here as much as I am to the concept of early unlocks. All ears! Cheers Stever

Keep it simple and just put a unlock fee on all cards in DEC. IF bots exploit this for whatever reason they are still PAYING in DEC to unlock the card and be able to put it on the market which at least gives it a base line value in theory.

 8 months ago  

It seems like we're on the same page here - any sort of remaining bot exploit would still equal to a ton of DEC getting burnt. Saw your downvote, so tell me where does this proposal fall short for you?

I believe in being able to unlock the soul bound cards.

I'm trying to weigh if there's any benefit over waiting until next soul bound cards to unlock and honestly I think not. I feel like they should be able to be unlocked right away.

The unlock part is where I'm stuck on what would be a good level aka price to unlock the cards. I feel like it should be high at least at first and see how that goes before a possible reduction. By high I would think starting at 1 DEC per power point? That's where I'm hung up on and which that DAO proposals had options or a poll like function to be able to cast your vote.

For example figure out what the general community would be ok with and then take the most popular and then pass the proposal. This whole yes or no on DAO proposals is for the birds when there's multiple factors in many of them.

 8 months ago  

I would love to see a poll function introduced into the proposal system. @jarvie @asgarth is it possible to include a poll into the draft phase?

As an aside, the key target for this particular proposal is early unlocks. Pricing, mechanics, etc... should be not the priority here, imo.

Either way, thanks for sharing your thoughts, @bitcoinflood !

Well, the good news is that we are already actively working on this and implementation has started. More details here:

 8 months ago  

Woohoo! Great news - thanks for the update, Asgarth!

At first glance- this is silly.

After further thought though, I think I'm on board- I just don't like the unlocking schedule.

I think a more reasonable schedule to look more like:

  • Months 1-3: 1024 DEC/CP
  • Months 4-6: 512 DEC/CP
  • Months 7-9: 256 DEC/CP
  • Months 10-12: 128 DEC/CP
  • Months 13-15: 64 DEC/CP
  • Months 16-18: 32 DEC/CP
  • Months 19-21: 16 DEC/CP
  • Months 22-24: 8 DEC/CP
  • Months 25-27: 4 DEC/CP
  • Months 28-30: 2 DEC/CP
  • Months 31+: 1 DEC/CP
 8 months ago  

As mentioned elsewhere in the post & in the comments, this proposal is designed to gauge sentiment around early unlocks. Assuming it passes, I'd love to see other proposals come up with specifics around what an unlock could / would look like. Thanks @axrho !

I like this one. It is a little bit pay to win, but not too much - small fish like me just have to be patient and wait a year. Crucial would be that the new reward cards are not overpowered - then it would be Pay2Win again. Instead, they have to be supporting only certain strategies, but not be almost impossible to beat (meaning, no more Quoras).

 8 months ago  

I'm of the same mind. It also allows for, and perhaps encourages, the critical marketable events - imagine you pull the equivalent to a GF Iziar in the early months of the next set and are able to earn a decent return that equates to a HUGE improvement on your playing deck and/or SPS bag?! Massive. Cheers @beelzael

Splinterlands gives each player (Burn value in DEC) * 10 for each BCX a player burns.

Splinterlands then burns the equivalent amount of DEC to reduce supply.

Players can then afford to buy non Reward cards from the market place and increase their collection.

All other cards are unlocked for free.

Reward cards should NOT be soulbound, restore the way it was before

 8 months ago  

While I agree, I don't think there's any chance of that happening from here. This proposal, however, does aim to begin moving the conversation back towards that direction

yes i agree, i will be supporting it for that reason

I completely agree, SB cards need to go now that the majority of low level bots are gone.
A reasonable compromise could be:
unlockable from the start by burning 1x CP plus 1 Voucher per card to incentivize combining cards
burn value after unlock = 1x CP.
I'd like to repeat that now that most bots are gone oversupply shouldn't be an issue therefore SB cards have no reason to exist the way they are now.


Soulbound Reward cards NOT TO BE UNLoCK and remains LOCKED forever ( or convert to GLINT). Quote from Chatgot : "Soulbound reward cards often represent a significant milestone or achievement for a REAL player. They symbolize growth, experience, or time to gather these cards leveling towards certain level. By remaining Soulbound to the player, they contribute to the player's identity and progression, showing others what the player has accomplished."

POST Rotation CL SOulbound reward Cards (how to get them)

  • CL soulbound card can be purchase in glint store ( by rotation )
  • Create a tournament by rewarding CL soulbound reward cards
  • Create a daily task reward where player need to beat a PRE-set lineup and rules

IF SOulbound Rewards Cards WERE to UNLOCK

  • Remove CL Reward cards from WILD Format Leagues

REWARD CARDS TO Hve Their OWn league

  • Create an ALL reward cards Only League format ( both human and non human).
 8 months ago  

Yo @l4l4l4 thanks for the thoughts - I suppose you probably expect this, given your first line, but I don't agree with this at all. I appreciate the comment nonetheless. I'd much prefer to see a separate league that is completely free to play with max level ghost cards.

If there would be a way to unlock a specific card I would agree, but like this you just get screwed by RNG and then good luck losing a ruleset because you lack the perfect card for it. Looking at you Kulu Mastermind.

I like to explain what I was suggesting is Post Chaos Legion souldbound reward cards rotation. The idea was after rotation comes into effect, all CL soulbound reward cards can be bought using only glint ( a seperate store where all CL soulbound will be available).

And thanks for reminding me, that I forgot to mention that if Soulbound Reward cards were to remain LOCKED, any card thats OP and needs nerfing can be DONE without any second thought. NERfing KULu MasterMind would be interesting.

So basically what you suggest is turning reward cards into a web2 version of the game. I mean, I would like to see that but with ghostcards not with reward cards.

What do you think about the limited unlock amount I suggested in my other comment. I think that is a good in between, where the majority can just use them as soulbound rewards, but if you put DEC into a share of the card value, instead of infinite print, you probably have the best of both worlds.

My view is that Soulbound Reward Cards = Event Dropped cards. Like playing RPG games, these cards are event items and only can be attain by playing the game/event. So I guess it is sorta web2 version of it.

As for ur suggestion in the other comment, I lack the economic understanding of how it would effect the ecosystem. The only scenario I can picture myself doing is purchase all those soulbound summoners and 1 or 2 OP card like KULU mastermind at MaX level for my BOT account in Wild.

I will not vote up anything suggesting to pay more than 2x its CP in DEC, as I already spent money and plenty of time playing in order to have fun and build my deck in the way. But take a look at constanzas comment, that seems to make more sense in order to reduce supply.

 8 months ago  

Cheers @mapley08 - again, this proposal is purely after identifying the sentiment around early unlocks - the suggested unlock pricing / mechanics / timeline are nothing more than a suggestion. I hope that, should this proposal make it to an official vote and pass, that we will see others chime in, like @costanza, around what the actual unlocks will look like

I think the post batch unlock fee should remain at 5x and have unlimited time to do the unlock. It has to be affordable for the masses. No one can afford millions of dec to unlock their whole soulbound collection in a short period of time. We want these cards to be tradeable and available. If it’s 10x or more we will end up with very few being able to unlock the cards and a heap of disgruntled players either burning the cards to oblivion or simply keeping them soulbound. They are our rewards and we should retain the right to have the option to keep them without being pressured by time. We already stake sps and now pay for a wild pass and buy energy!!! Now we have to buy our rewards???? What on earth is this system??? New players won’t see the point? Might as well just make the cards instantly unlockable for dec…. Keep it simple…

 8 months ago  

I don't disagree, but it's important to note that this entire proposal is merely a first step towards what I'd really like to see - completely unsoulbound Reward cards. We'll never jump from the current to completely unsoulbound, so I consider this a very valuable move back towards that direction. Cheers @hoffmeister84 !

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I voted yes, but I think it would be really foolish of anyone to unlock these cards for a high price early on. If they absolutely have to still be soulbound, I'd love to see something implemented where they always remain soulbound, but we're giving a lot more options as far as what we can do with them. Like if we have one maxed already, I think we should be able to trade it straight-up for one that we don't have maxed, even if it means it has to come already combined or something. It's just that the current system bothers my must-max-everything OCD. It's too difficult to get some of the cards maxed and getting extra copies of ones I don't need just makes it worse. I would never in a million years pay 20x the burn value to unlock a rewards card, so it doesn't matter to me personally if they're ever unlockable if that's how it's going to be. I just wish we could do more with them in terms of managing our collections in a reasonable way.

 8 months ago  

I mostly agree - I don't think I personally will be buying anything but if I manage to land a killer GFL early, I would definitely test the waters and try to broker a deal for unlocking!

We'll see how this thing pans out. Thanks for the thoughts @sharkmonsters

Yes, let´s do this. SB reward cards was a bad idea. I support this proposal fully.

 8 months ago  

Cheers @toxicdiamond !

interesting proposal, not decided which way I will vote yet !1up

I'm supporting this. However, I don't believe any DEC to unlock cards strategy is a good one. Burning cards to unlock cards is the only way that makes sense due to the floating value of DEC creation to the ecosystem.

I would propose that when cards come out, they require a 10:1 unlock fee so we burn 10 existing common cards to unlock 1 soulbound common card. Six months after release we drop it to 5 cards to one. And once they go out of print it stays forever at 2 cards to unlock one like card.

Burning cards for cards is neat, sensible, and it has a linear and predictable benefit. The creation of DEC and the burning of DEC does not have a linear value to the overall economy and the card sets don't even have the same burn value in terms of DEC. Remember, the next cards that come out will be rebellion and so they will only have half the burn value of the current cl border cards. So speaking in terms of multiples of DEC makes little sense when a rebellion card costs half of a CL card to unlock even though they have the same impact on the economy.

Moreover, let's imagine for a second that we get a big influx of players with the marketing efforts. Let's also assume that bull and bear cycles remain a feature in Splinterlands. What if Splinterlands is really successful and gets 100k real players coming in and that pushes SPS to $5. All these players are getting soulbound cards that they are unlocking with DEC they got from burning SPS. How much SPS would need to be burned to create enough DEC to unlock a maxed common card? The burn value of A maxed common rebellion card is 1000 DEC. SO 10,000 would be 10x. At $5 SPS, it would take 2 SPS to unlock that card. TWO SPS out of 3 billion!

OK, so we have a bull market and millions of these cards are unlocked and the whole thing manages to burn a couple million SPS if we're lucky. Now we have an amount of cards that makes today's card problem look small and we will have burned almost no SPS in that time to get that many cards. So soulbound at that point solves nothing but to piss players off who want to see it gone.

Now let's change that and say every one of those cards required a burning of more cards than were unlocked. How different does that look? Every card unlocked has a linear and constant value to the ecosystem that isn't diminished by the game becoming more successful. Now when the bear market hits, we don't have a dump truck full of new unlocked cards because every card that was unlocked actually lowered the supply of cards overall. When the bear market hits, and players start to exit, we end up in a better situation than we were in before the bull market instead of a much worse position.

Burning DEC makes no sense and it could cause critical damage in the event that Splinterlands actually finds itself back in a bull market ever again.

What is the reward for not unlocking, except for a little price reduction?
I would like a reward for keeping my cards soulboound, and by so helping keeping up the value.

As a person who has spent some money on this game, and been around long enough to have bought cards before the price crash. I don't know if I want to spend much more to be eligible for rewards.
Right now it seems you have to spend half a fortune to get some decent rewards.

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This sounds funny that you destroyed this beautiful game to eliminate bots. This is ridiculous and utterly nonsense.

You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-ProposalThank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @thepeoplesguild!

Updated At: 2024-07-30 10:51 UTC


I would do the following:

  • Make all reward cards tradable again
  • Limit the supply of each reward card:
    -- Commons 500k
    -- Rares 180k
    -- Epics 30k
    -- Legendaries 12k
  • Plan the reward cards to be available for 500 days.
  • create a lottery each day for each rarity type.
  • prizes are 1/500 of the supply of each card of the corresponding type.
  • One Glint = 1 entry, 1 DEC = 1 entry, SPS gets converted to DEC, Credits get converted to DEC
  • Burn 75% of the used DEC, the other 25% are revenue for the team.

This is a non-brainer. Its ridiculous that we even have to vote for this.
Im supporting this 100%.-

tiene que ser al reves, mas barato los primeros dias y mas caro despues

 8 months ago  


googel traductor friend

Very interesting. The dec to unlock, will it be burned? or locked up? I like the idea of it as a DEC sink. Maybe pay the fee to unlock it but once it's been moved to another account it potentially be rebound and the cycle gets repeated. I think that might eliminate the flood of each card in the market and allow for those that want to collect them or max out each card an opportunity to do so.

just to clarify. this proposal refers to the upcomming rebellion and future reward sets to be unlockable from the point of release?

BOT problem is just CURRENTLY solved.

The economy needs to be sustainable even without bots. Hence the need for soulbound itmes (tell me a non ponzi web3 project that doesn't need anything soulbound)

I find this idea interesting.


Lmao can I like/upvote this more than 100% because this is my exact reaction to this proposal.

So you're telling me I need to pay to unlock cards that originally were supposed to be a reward for investing in the company and "earning" them? 😂

 8 months ago  

Yes, I agree. That said, you do realize that this proposal would be a significant improvement over the current offering, yes? We'll never shift from the current model to completely unsoulbound cards without first taking incremental steps back in that direction.

They shifted completely from being unlocked to southbound in an instant. I don't mean to criticize your proposal. I commend you for sticking with this horrible company and trying to make it better, though I ultimately think that it will be a waste of your time and resources. Matt and clayborn do not care about you or your ideas. Look at the proposals that have passed. Look at who is voting and how many people are voting. If it does not benefit Matt/clayborn/Splinterlands it is not going to pass.

How many of the Whales work for Splinterlands?

Although this is not a bad proposal, it ignores the more fundamental issue, which is that we need to completely ban bots and not have soulbound reward cards at all....

 8 months ago  

Say what? Bots will be, and should always!, have a place in Splinterlands. Not in modern, tourneys or brawls, but wild and perhaps other, currently unseen game modes. Nonsoulbound reward cards will never, ever return without a first step back in that direction - which is exactly what is proposed here. Either way, thanks for taking the time to comment, Femi

I could not disagree more!

Bots have no place in a game, no place at all!

i agree with your first point but not the rest...

is that not covering the period when the wild fee was introduced?

I think the bot thing was way out of control and they need to bring in a complete ban.

You're correct. People have abandoned this game. Save yourself time and money and jump ship too. You're only going to find diehards here who are going to ignore the fact that Splinterlands is dead like Dave McCoy.

I love playing Ranked and, as long as that is the case, I will keep playing!

Completely agree. The writing is on the wall.