This blog is for all those who want to ascend to the Silver League and face some difficulties, here I will explain everything it takes to reach the Silver League and make more profits from the DEC currency and also to get two chests through daily missions, and for sure you will have a 50% chance to get a card In every chest, all these features make us want to reach higher leagues. And also at the end of the season you will get 12 chests to open and you can get between them 6 or 7 cards and you can also get a golden or legendary card, that will be amazing
What monsters do you have to use, what rate do you need, and how many powers do you need to reach the Silver League, and can you really compete between good players even though you only have some good cards...All these questions will be answered in this blog.
In the beginning, you will need a little DEC to rent monsters for a whole season, so you will need about 1,000 DEC in the beginning, and if you only have a very small amount of DEC, you can rent the monster for one day, then after you make profits you can return to rent it the next day.
To reach the Silver League, you will need 1000 rate and 15000 Power, and that is the main problem that I will solve here in this blog, in addition to some cheap and good rentals.
How can I get 1000 rate
Of course, to get 1000 rate in a short period is not easy, but it will become very easy if you use these monsters in your battles, and thus you will achieve many consecutive victories.
These cards have a very low rent compared to their effect, each of these cards has a very great feature and you can create a lot of great plans with them at the lowest possible cost until you reach rate 1000.
Get 1500 power
At the beginning of my promotion to the Silver League, this big problem for me was how do I get 1500 power until I discovered some monsters whose rent is very low and give very high power. For example, this monster "PYROMANCER" gives 10,000 power and its rent per day is about 60 DEC, which is certainly expensive for a beginner player almost, but at the beginning of the season the rents are much less than in the middle of the season, so I always rent monsters at the beginning of the season and rent them for the entirety season.
Here I will put for you a list of monsters and according to the amounts of power you give each of them.
How to compete between good players
Certainly, when you become in the Silver League, things will become more difficult in terms of competition and you will face a lot of good players in the game who have good experience in it, so in the first period you can suffer a little and lose a lot of battles, so I will put for you here some of the plans that I always used in my battles.
This is a great summoner that I have relied on in most of my 'PRINCE RENNYN' battles, it gives extra heart, extra speed and also extra strength to all defenders, these features are amazing if you use good defenders with him, it will be a hard plan to beat.
These are some good defenders you can use with this summonerThis link to battle me using this great summoner:
Also, one of the great battles is when you predict through the battle log that your opponent will play with a water team and will rely on magicians. You can use this summoner "Bortus" , he has a superpower, which is to reduce the hit of all magicians and also you can put this attacker as the first attacker "TORHILO THE" FROZEN" and this attacker will make things very complicated for the opponent because he has an amazing ability which is the magician's strike division, and therefore your opponent who depends on magicians will become a very guest as happened in this battle:
I hope you have benefited from this blog and learned some new plans and strategies, thank you for your time in reading
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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