Ladies and gentlemen, a challenge day is always a happy day, this week's battle is about the GOBLİN PSYCHİC , a common card from the chaos legion, an artist and a well known psychic in Gobson.
And for that battle, i brought my own special theme, as i am a "tea person" i wrote this little story called :
İ challenge you in a tea battle
Once upon a time in Gobson, there was a goblin, and he was psychic, the end. Not really.... İn fact, he LOVED TEA.
That day, gilbert, yes his name is gilbert now deal with that, gilbert was drinking the tea of distiny, just a regular tea with some distiny in it, using his great powers he closed his eyes and imagined himself drinking the tea, the cup started to rise in the air floating and swinging gently until it reached his mouth, almost. "İnspired by the lore"
suddenly, Kevin the mighty chicken kicked the door saying " the time has arrived, he is here again, the Xinith monk is challenging you in front of all the Gobsonians, it's an official tea battle ! "
The tea spilled all over Gilbert, he jumped off his calmness when the poiled tea burned his area 51.
Hold the door for a while, that fool, he propably doesn't know that i have been training my whole 5600 years life for this battle... Said Gilbert. İ will change my underwear now.
After 60 sips, Gilbert showed up outside his workshop, he was ready to teach that monk a valuable lesson in tea making, and maybe to sell him one of his oil paintings.
The battle rules were clear, bring your chickens, pour the tea, and cup throwers are allowed to throw cups from the first position.
"And only cards with even mana are allowed"
Watch before the tea gets cold
Gilbert was smart to sacrifice by Kevin first, althought he was his best friend, but winning the tea battle is a priority. "We all do that"
The monk thought his unlimited tea generating ability with his "three cups a row" cup thrower will be enought to prevent Gilbert from reaching his victory.
But years of training won't be wasted, he remembered drinking tea in the cup of youth, shooting a couple of tea commercials, and allowing that guy carl weeder to plant tea in his backyard, all those events lead to this day, Gilbert throwed a hot cup while shouting and saying some gibberish words, he called it later the cup of affliction.
The Xinith monk's powers started to fall tragically until he announced his lost and handed off all his tea spares, his last words were " how much does that painting cost"
Two days after, some guys asked Gilbert about that strange cup, he said " it was without sugar" .
And that was my battle (tea duel) focusing on the great abilities the PSYCHİC has, just at level 4.
İ chose this battle because it showed the Goblin acting his healing ability on himself, using the goblin completly as a tank, a self healer and an afflictor.
İ am totally working on leveling up my own Goblin to level 4 so i can make use of his affliction ability, reaching level 7 is very hard right now, and i don't see my self playing above the silver leagues unless a pile of gold falls from the sky on my head "and it shouldn't kill me, of course"
Go make some tea pal
İt was really ammusing to write this little story, hope you liked it, have great battles, make sure to drink more tea, and sacrifice your friends "when conflicts are about tea"
Don't miss it
A great chance to be my referee, think of the huge disappointment you will feel when you find out that i don't have any special offer to make if you joined splinterlands using my link. LOL
but anyway, will you get a great friend ? That's the only thing i am sure about.
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