Ladies and gentlemen, stories usually carries some meaning, some wisdom and many other words i can't remember.
Well, not my story about the GİANT ROC, that mythic creature who hunted huge animals, like elephants. This story is about a megalomaniac parrot called Rocky.
You can scroll down to the battle part ( it's not recommended pal)
Summer harmony
Once upon a time, somewhere in the middle east, in a fiction town called Watermelons heaven where the oriental circus train had one of their very messed up shows.
They arrived at morning, and the town's square was full of happy merchants challenging each other to make the best watermelon related offer...
_ spicy melons, get your day on fire.
_ a new episode, it's meloony toons kids !
_ give me-loan, modern banks are here, build your dreams watermelon farm NOW.
_ for you lady, keep your watermelons safe with this invention called bra. "seriously this was the best"
And it goes on and on...
Meanwhile in that train, a bunch of elephants were cursing and smoking while playing cards, they had done many shows this summer...
_ İ can't believe i am baring all this humilation for a bag of watermelons !
_ a BAhhhG ! They said i will get just two !
_ are you elephants getting watermelons ! Rocky the parrot said.
_ go away weirdo
_ come on ladies, the train has just stopped, we will settle here, move up your big....
Two miles away, Tarsa the witch was watering the garden in her grandparents farm, as she was orphaned many years ago, she lived in that farm working and terrifying neighbors with her magical tricks.
_ Tarsa, the postman left you box with a letter says "the HeLlium event is near".
_ aww it should be from my master, he knows i will do something to freak out the town today..
Tarsa opened that box and memories started to fly throught her mind, she remembered all her adventures, burning the fields, stealing missis mcmelon's wheelchair after trapping her in a box and throwing her in the river "she won't need the chair any more, so..", burning fields again, and many many things. What a year full of joy she had, but none of those tricks will be as great as today's one.
Ok elephants, clothes on, tie the robes, set the lights, today we will perform "summer harmony", as an opening two elephants will be blowing water in the air making a bridge of water while Cassy plays the piano, Rocky will fly in loops over the water bridge, we will need you Tiff to drag the clowns chamber by robes to the front where the main show will be...
And as they said, the show was supposed to run like that, but before they started, a weird watermelon had shown up behind the lights..
_ guys, whose watermelon is this. Whispered Tiffany.
Nobody answered her as they were busy prepairing "or didn't hear her in the first place", so she didn't resist that attractive watermelon, she ate it.
As the show started, Tarsa was sitting there among the audience waiting for her masterpiece to appear.
Music, lights, a crazy bird flying like an idiot, then an elephant just showed up behind him not looking very well, Tiffany started to blow up and rise in the air while the sky became full of clowns falling like the rain, she was screaming "elephant noises" about eating a suspicious watermelon, THE watermelon, the clowns chamber was destroyed and Tiff flied her way out of the circus followed by the crowds running to see where the big bang will happen.
"The clock tower" someone said, and he was right, she was heading to destroy the old tower, the one which sir melongrade built after people started to get suspicious about the liability of watermelons clock which was based on how many seeds in it "crack a melon".
That moment, Rocky had one of his best ideas " even better than working for the baby delivery service which was exclusively for storks", he flied toward Tiff and grabed that dangled robe and started to pull her and change her track, eventually he managed to keep her away from the tower but she stayed floating in the air, a timed bomb ticking over watermelons heaven.
İt was a matter of time, a few minutes before the sunset, people gathered from all around the town in the town's square to live a breath taking moment, a silent moment.
Then, there was no place for silence.
After a minute from the disaster, people started to cry without any reason, then a farmer said "i swear that elephant had fallen in my stock", they ran to her and she was laying there well and smiling as usual, she said "it was some air, and now it's gone".
İn fact that moment was the last fresh air breathing moment, because the smell of victory stayed forever in that town.
Rocky suffered many years from this accident, thinking of the great power he had there, he started to feel bigger and stronger, he carried an elephant one day, and the story became different each time, that accident was the flame which lit his psychopathy.
his therapist said "he had a huge barrier to get over", his girlfriend said "he thought everything in him is big, literally", Tiffany said "thanks to Rocky, my fiancee thinks i am slim", his grandmother said " f*** him, where are my glasses".
And that was the story of Rocky the giant ROC.
Something about last week's challenge
As a reacher, the giant roc was a good card one day "i doubt that", but when the Chaos Legion arrived, they presented a new fire reacher to us, the Radiated Brute, maybe better than the roc.
Level 3 cards
this was last week's challenge but i wasn't aware that it ended so i am posting it now.
i will give the ROC a battle, to decide whether it stills useful or not..
İ think the GİANT ROC at level 3 is not that heavy hitter, needs 5 mana for only 1 damage, it is not a good deal, especially now after a better alternative is available.
İn that battle, if we pretend that i didn't use the GİANT ROC, the battle won't be changed at all.
Maybe it was not the perfect battle for our friend ROC. An earthquake rule would make him shine in the fire team as the flying monsters are few. But anyway, i can handle earthquakes withoud ROC, i think he became an old fashion.
Ok guys, i can't imagine someone has managed to get here, thanks for reading, have a great battles, don't accept watermelons from strangers and make sure to believe in my stories "100% facts"
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121