
I made back my original investment of 1,5 million DEC and I still have 31 plots. Unfortunately most people do not work their land so I make about 17k grain weekly and maybe 40SPS but its all profit. I am selling all plots except my keep and the one in this raffle. I don’t have the cards to work the land.
There is a legendary grain farm and a rare occupoied as well in that package.

I'm glad you got a ROI there, I don't think many people have from what I've heard. Probably a good move to sell off the excess lots that you'll never use. I may yet dive into land, I just want to see where the game is heading before investing too much more in the game. I love the game, but their business acumen hasn't been great.

Well if you have some cards you can now play land without investing more than your time...
As for the ROI I am glad I took it. I took profits on my cards too but could have done much better of course. Now my collection is basically crippled. But I still enjoy brawls and wild ranked play.

I'm in the same boat, I'll play wild and the brawls. I sold off most of my older cards when I saw the writing on the wall if you will. My deck is really pretty weak unless I rent in some higher level cards. But I'm still determined to get my Quora to a level three, one card away and keep missing the pulls! lol